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You weren't completely sure what woke you up, but as you regained consciousness, you stretched and slowly opened your eyes. Blinking away the last dregs of sleep, you glanced around the room, momentarily forgetting you were in the safehouse at all, until you clocked the bland walls, the dull furniture, the creaky bed as you shifted slightly.

Looking to your side, you saw nothing but wrinkled bed sheets. You weren't sure why the empty space surprised you, like you thought he would stay after last night.

The thought disappeared as the events started running through your mind. A slight soreness in your muscles as you sat up, in your neck as you looked around, and you ran your fingers over your skin, making the bruises left from his mouth sting. You smiled at the remnants of memory.

Just as you were about to throw the covers off you to step out of bed, the door opened, making you squeal and pull the sheets up over yourself.

"I think it's a bit late for that, doll." Bucky smirked as he eyed your movement, closing the door behind him by kicking it with his feet. It was then that you noticed his lack of clothing, his body bare except for the sweatpants hanging low on his hips. After that, you noticed the two cups of coffee in his hands, that he was setting down on the bedside table beside you.

Before you could respond to anything, he had put his hands either side of your face, and pulled your mouth to his, claiming you in a kiss that was entirely too overwhelming. But definitely not unwelcome. He towered over you, kissing you again and again as his hands left your face, wrapping around your waist instead and pulling you tight against him.

"Morning to you too." You hummed into his mouth once you'd caught your breath. Eventually, he pulled back, his hands still in the same place on your waist, his eyes now running over your face, a small smile on his lips.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, reaching behind him to pick up one of the mugs, and pass it to you. You took a sip as he kept his other hand on your waist, picking up the other mug to drink his own coffee, while he kept his eyes on you.

"Yeah, fine." You replied, nodding and looking down into the dark liquid swirling in your cup. "You weren't here when I woke up."

"I was downstairs." He said, his voice even.

"I know. But until you came back, I thought..."

The clink of his mug being set down on the table beside him made your head turn quickly towards the sound. Then his hands were running over your hips, up the side of your body, round to your back, as he leaned down slightly.

"You thought I would leave? After last night?" He whispered, one hand reaching the back of your neck, holding you in place as his face got closer to yours.



"You might have gotten...I dunno, scared. Nervous. Might have been too much for you." You teased.

"I'd be careful with your words Luka." He warned, but you just smiled in response, leaning down to ghost his lips with yours. His fingers tightened as he held you, wanting to pull you down to him, but he knew your game.


"Yes. You ought to be very careful how you speak to me." He whispered.

"I think..." You said softly. "I'd rather not use words at all."

With that, he crashed his lips to yours, and you returned the kiss instantly. He'd expertly slipped the mug out of your hands, a clink in the air telling you he'd put it on the table next to his own. Then he was pushing you back, laying you back down onto the bed, every single one of his movements careful, purposeful. There was a different energy surrounding this kiss than the last, different to last night. It wasn't rushed, but it wasn't soft. Unyielding, responsive, making you want more, while also just wanting to succumb to the moment.

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