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Bucky shifted onto his back, freeing his hands and reaching up for you, but you instantly moved back.

"Nuh-uh." You tutted. "Not until you answer me." You explained. Watching his jaw tense as he put his hands back down onto the bed, you smiled innocently down at him as you moved your other knee up, by his hip, so that you were straddling just his right thigh. You kept yourself held away from him, entirely aware that once you let yourself press into him, you'd be just as desperate as he seemed, and your role reversal would come crashing down.

"If I told you," He finally replied, a wicked smile growing on his lips. "It would ruin half the fun, wouldn't it? I'd much rather just show you."

"And I'd rather you follow simple instructions." You countered bluntly, putting a hand on his chest and sitting up, so that you towered above him. You could see his mind moving a million miles a second, his eyes wandering over you as though he was reassessing the situation.

His hands slid onto your thighs before you registered that he'd taken them off the bed. You opened your mouth to scold him, but he spoke first -

"You said I could touch if I answered. I answered."


"Still counts Doll." He smirked, his palms feeling hot and heavy on your skin. "When are you going to let me take this off you?" He asked, tugging at the dress' material.

"When you stop avoiding my questions." You replied quickly, causing him to let out a breathy laugh.

"I never should have let you in on all my board meetings. You seem to have picked up on a few of my negotiating techniques."

"I have more than negotiating skills, Barnes." You teased, moving the hand on his chest, sliding down his exposed stomach towards the top of his trousers.

"I don't doubt it." He smiled, and you smiled back, only for a split second, before leaning back over him, your fingers finding his trouser button and tugging it undone. His smile faltered as you slowly ran your hand over his dick, which was already starting to harden again.

"Tell me Bucky." You whispered against his lips, a soft tone this time, more innocent. "I want to know exactly what you wanna do to me...please."

You started sliding your hand over his bulge, over his boxers, gasping at the feel of him as though it was the first time you'd ever done this. It was a simple trick, but it was one that always worked with your Subs; acting as though you were innocent, naive, and completely succumbing to them. Half a Sub, half a Dom. And just like it had worked with them, it was working with Bucky too.

You could feel his chest moving more uneasily as his breaths became shuddery. His fingers on your thighs kept tensing, and letting go. Like he was figuring it out. Like he wanted to give in. You decided to push it further.

"If you tell me..." You continued, looking into his eyes as your hand kept moving slowly over him. "I'll let you fuck my mouth, Sir."

That was the thing that broke his resolve, and made him crash his lips to yours, one hand leaving your thigh to hold the back of your head. Smiling into the kiss, you allowed him to kiss you as harshly as he wanted, while you gripped his cock through his boxers.

After a few seconds of him deepening the kiss, you broke away, starting to kiss down his chest, down his stomach, feeling your heart flip when you felt the muscles tense beneath your lips, his ribcage moving almost painfully with deep breaths. When you reached his boxers, you slowly pulled the band down, softly licking the head of his cock as it sprang free and you pushed his clothes completely off him. His hand hadn't left the back of your head, and you made no attempts to move it away as you licked down more and more of his cock, until your tongue flicked over his balls.

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