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The car jolted as the sound shot through the air. The squeal of the brakes cut through your body uncomfortably as the three of you started whipping your heads round, trying to spot what the sound was, and where it had come from.

"Hey, guys what do you-" Your question was interrupted by the sound of a second, third and fourth bang, the car jolting again. You swallowed as you realised what was happening.


"Luka get DOWN!" Steve yelled at you, and you instinctively moved at his order, curling yourself into the foot space, while Clint started speeding down the road. "How long?"

"5 minutes to the freeway, another 15 until we're there!" Clint shouted back, doing his best to swerve in and out of traffic, the gunshots echoing in the streets around you, alongside the screams of the pedestrians. None hit your car for a strained few seconds, not until one hit the window, cracking the glass and making you scream automatically, until you looked up and realised that it hadn't penetrated through.

"The cars are bulletproof?!" You yelled at the guys, who just shrugged at you as if to say 'well yeah?'

You heard Steve in the front seat clicking and shifting, getting his gun ready, and you sat up a little.

"Give me one." You said.

"Luka I am not-"

"Give me a gun." You ordered. He just narrowed his eyes at you, as if debating it in his mind. But you didn't have time to wait for the outcome. Instead you just groaned, then reached to the side of you, to the seats you had just been sitting on, and pulled them down, giving you access to the boot.

Shuffling along, you moved the bags until you found one of Steve's. If you were right, Steve would bring more than one gun. No mobster has only one gun.

"What are you doing?" Steve hissed, glancing over at you before looking back out of the windows, his gun poised in one hand, the other on the window controls.

You ignored his question, rummaging through his bag until your hand hit hard metal, and you grabbed it. Another handgun, just as you thought. You checked the magazine, seeing it empty, and continued rummaging until you found the box of bullets tucked down the side. You rushed to load it, when the noise inside the car changed.

You could now hear the whoosh of the wind whizzing past you, clear as day, and you looked up to see Steve had opened the window right above your head, and was leaning over the seats, aiming his gun towards it. Burrowing your head back down, you shoved the rest of the bullets into the magazine before loading it back into the gun, and clicked the safety off, loading the chamber with the first round.

"You take that side." You commanded Steve, pointing to the side he was already sitting on, and you shuffled over to the window that he'd already opened.

He looked like he was going to regret this, but he obeyed you and twisted round to focus on his side. You slowly started sitting up, peeking your head out of the window, and looked out, trying to pinpoint where the shots were coming from.

You ducked when the shots rang out again.

"Luka!" Steve yelled, whipping round to face you.

"I'm fine!" You shouted back. Moving your head back up, gun poised, you aimed for roughly where you heard the bullets coming from. Then, through the traffic Clint was expertly weaving you through, you saw it. A black car, all too similar to the one you were currently in, matching your speed, just a little bit behind you in the other lane.

Aiming the nozzle out of the window, your face mostly hiding behind the door, you waited for an opening, a clear stretch of road with no cars in between you.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now