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It was like you could feel the groan shoot down his entire body as he pulled your mouth back to his, flipping the two of you over and grinding down on you. He had one hand on the bed next to your head, propping himself up, the other fumbling among the toys to grab what he needed first.

He picked up the gag, then threw it back down, making you whimper.

"Patience, Doll. I want to hear you for a little bit longer." He winked, before grabbing what he actually needed. The lube. "We're gonna need to prepare you first."

"I've done it before." You said, ignoring the flash of anger in his eyes at your words. "I don't need-"

"You will for me." He growled, smashing his mouth to yours in a kiss that said nothing but 'You're mine'. You willingly took it, letting him claim you as much as he needed before he started trailing his mouth down your body, and started coating his fingers with the lube. Using his clean hand, he pushed on your thigh, making you spread them more for him, and he wasted no time in running his tongue over your clit.

Eating you out was easily your second favourite thing that Buck did in bed. He was just so skilled, and eager. He was never quick about it, never made you feel like he saw it as a chore. He genuinely loved delving his tongue in you, around you, sucking your clit, watching your back arch off the bed, listening to your beautiful noises. This time though, he pressed his lubed finger to your hole, and it took everything to another level.

He slid in to the first knuckle, speeding up his tongue with every inch he pushed in, and you already felt like you were going to come just from this. He was pumping his finger in shallow strokes, each time he went in, pushing a little more in until he'd filled you up. You'd given him almost no resistance, and he was caught between being ridiculously turned on at that, and angry that he wasn't the first to do this to you.

Wordlessly, he continued to slide his tongue over your core as he slowly pushed a second finger in.

"Fuck!" You gasped, and he hummed in response, sending the vibrations through your entire body. He was faster in pushing the second finger in, and before you knew it, he was starting to fuck you slowly, his tongue flicking over your clit fast and hard. Your hand went to his hair, grabbing the short tufts, half holding him in place.

He'd used enough lube that there'd been no sting, just pure bliss, but when you pleaded for more, for a third finger, that's when you felt it. It was like getting a new tattoo; a euphoric burn that spread throughout your body, that you always forgot about until you were having it done again, but now it was like you fucking needed that feeling. You wondered why you had taken so long to suggest doing this with him.

Clearly he also knew what he was doing in this area, because he was expertly fucking you open with his fingers, not too harsh, but hard enough to get you 80% of the way to an orgasm. Part of you just wanted him to slam into you, but you could definitely come from this alone, and after being shortchanged in the drive back, you were determined to get at least one like this.

"Bucky, shit..." You panted, as he took a second to look up at you. "I'm so close...please"

He smiled, then bit his bottom lip, his finger still pumping into you, but his mouth didn't go back to your clit. Instead, he reached out to the side with his free hand, grabbing the dildo, and moved back over you to kiss you deeply. You could taste yourself on his lips, and it made your whole body instinctively grind on his fingers, pushing him deeper. When he pulled back, you grabbed the dildo from him, and spat on the tip before using your tongue to spread it all over the toy.

You knew you didn't need much, because you were already so fucking wet, so when you shoved the toy back into his hand, he didn't protest. But he did want to tease you a bit more.

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