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The mechanical click seemed to make something in both of you snap. Instantly, you found that you were both grabbing each other, your lips smashing together, and you were kissing him again. One of his hands was on your cheek as his mouth guided yours open, the other somewhere on your waist. Yours were gripping the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you.

He started walking backwards, pulling him with you as he kissed you again, and again, and you followed him blindly. He manoeuvred round the furniture with an oddly high level of grace, and then he was pushing you against his desk. Your hands fumbled behind you, pushing things out of the way, then pulling yourself to sit on it. Grabbing his neck again to deepen the kiss, he pulled on your waist, making your back arch into him, his chest pressing against you. Then he moved his mouth down your jaw, kissing you over and over, moving down to your neck, one hand coming up to the back of your head to thread his fingers through your hair.

You weren't sure whether the next move was subconscious or not, but his fingers curled into a fist, gripping your hair, pulling your head back as he sucked the skin just above your collarbone. It reminded you of the club, and it instantly made your thighs tense around him as he stood between your legs.

You felt his lips stretch into a smile against your neck, then he gave another tug on your hair, and you moaned softly into the air. It felt a million times better having your hair pulled now than any other time he'd done it, with his lips igniting the rest of your body. You wondered how you could ever go back to him doing this without his mouth attacking you at the same time.

He tugged your shirt out of the skirt it was tucked into, his hands finding purchase on your bare skin as he moved his mouth back to yours, his tongue instantly moving against yours.

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey Boss, you ready?" Came Sam's voice. Bucky groaned as he rolled his head back, separating his lips from you.

"Yeah." He said in a strained voice, before looking back at you. "Yeah gimme a second."

You panted, frozen in your position on his desk, undoubtedly looking as much of a mess as he did. You saw him swallow, and he held his hand out for you to take, which you did automatically, jumping off his desk, and straightening out your outfit.

Neither of you knew what to say at this point. You just sidestepped him, and headed to the door on shaky legs, running a hand through your hair, over your mouth, and clenching your fists a couple times to redistribute the blood in your body.

When you unlocked the door and opened it, Sam was on the other side with wide eyes, and he looked between you and Bucky, then the mess on the desk. Before he could say anything, you hurried past him, back to your office, to grab your things and leave, before anything else embarrassing could happen.

You spent the evening holed away in your bedroom at Bucky's apartment. You called Nat as soon as you checked that Bucky hadn't come home yet, and you took a bottle of wine to bed, drinking it, and reliving your life over the past 24 hours.

You had to hold the phone away from your ear for a minute, while she screamed in reaction to you and him kissing. When she was done, she bombarded you with question after question.

At one point, she put you on hold to take a client call.

When she came back to you, she said that Bucky had asked for an extra session, tonight, but she'd told him you were unavailable. You thanked her, but then she said he offered $10,000 to make it happen.

You sat up in bed, your mouth dropping open.

You knew Nat had got Bucky to pay extra for his membership, considering you were not a regular submissive, but that was almost three months of membership for one night.

"What did you say?!" You squeaked into the phone, and she sighed.

"I said I would ask."

"Nat, I-"

"I would literally only need to take a grand, to compensate for rearranging Lucy and Aurelia out of the room. The rest is yours, and that is not a small amount."

You groaned, rubbing your eyes. You couldn't say yes. It felt weird now, taking his money. Not that ten grand is a lot for him, but it was for you. After last night, and today, this felt like a weird line you didn't want to cross.

"I can't. Nat I really can't. I can't be at his beck and call whenever he fancies."

"But it's SO much money-"

"I know it is, trust me I know. But I really can't do it."

Somehow, an hour later, you were marching into The Red Room with your mask on, with Nat talking beside you as you walked, having confirmed that Mr Barnes was having an extra session tonight.

Honestly, you couldn't explain how the conversation got turned around. You blame the wine.

She helped you get dressed, partly because you didn't want to be doing this, and partly because the wine was starting to hit you. You'd drank almost a third of the bottle before you rushed out of the apartment.

You chugged the water and ate the protein bar she gave you while she tied the corset, and helped you glue down your mask. You breathed deeply as you walked over to him at the bar.

"Mr Barnes." You said, with a sweet smile as you slid your hand up his back. He turned to you, already standing. Something made him pause when his eyes reached yours. Without a word, he headed off to your usual room, and you glanced at Pietro, who just shrugged. You followed him quickly.

Once you shut the door behind you, he pushed you back against it.

Oh the memory.

"You're drunk." He snarled.

"No, but I've had a couple. We weren't scheduled tonight."

"You should have said no."

"We did. Then you offered me ten grand."

He breathed in, and let go of you.

"How much?" He asked.

"Less than half a bottle." You replied honestly. He stepped forward, putting his thumb on your bottom lip and pulling it down.

"Red. At least you have good taste." He smirked, and you started to smile back.

"Can I ask you something Mr Barnes?" You questioned as you walked past him, over to the drawers, and opening the top one, picking out the toys he usually liked to use. You didn't want him focusing on the fact that you weren't completely sober, so you decided to take charge.


"Why the urgency? We are booked in tomorrow." You took the rope, and walked back over to him, untying it as you stepped. "Why could you not wait until then?"

"Surely it's high praise that I wanted you again before our allotted time?" He replied.

"Perhaps. It could also mean that something happened, and you are looking for a way to cope. That you lost control." You said, looking up at him innocently as you reached him. The playful look on his face disappeared. "That you needed to gain that control back." You continued. "Could that be accurate?"

He tore the rope from your hands.

"Do I pay you to be a therapist, Doll?" He spat, but you just smiled back. You both knew you were right.

"For ten grand, I will be anything you want. Sir." You replied.

"Good answer." He smirked, threading his fingers through your hair, ready to lead you where he wanted.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now