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In the morning, you slowly stretched awake, reaching for your phone as you blinked your eyes open. Seeing it was 9.47am, you panicked, throwing the covers off you and rushing out of the room.

"Bucky!" You called, running back and forward through the apartment a few times before you managed to find the kitchen, where he was standing drinking a cup of coffee. "It's 10am! How the hell could you let me sleep that long?!"

"Good morning to you too." He mocked, walking over to you with another cup. When you didn't take it, he put it on the counter. "You needed sleep."

"We need to be at the office!"

"Everything is in the study, ready for us. I am attending one urgent meeting, remotely, and the rest can be handled from here. Now please, have coffee." He urged, gesturing to the cup again. You blinked a few times before you slowly took it, your anger still simmering beneath your skin.

As you sipped it, his eyes wandered over you.

"You should get dressed before we start." He commented, making you look down at yourself. Your oversized Tshirt and pyjama shorts didn't hide much, and you were suddenly very aware of that fact.

"You want me to wear a full office outfit for your house?"

"No," He smiled, stepping closer. "But something with a bit less skin might be good. More professional."

"What, too distracting is it?" You asked sarcastically as he started walking out of the kitchen.

"Do you want the honest answer, Luka?" He whispered as he passed you, making your sudden confidence disappear with every step he took.

You stood in the kitchen for a few seconds on your own, then drank your coffee, and headed to your new room to get changed for the day.

Working in Bucky's house was...difficult, to say the least. He'd oh so graciously set up his study for the two of you to work in. Usually, you were in a separate room, a wall between you, so that you could focus. When he was sitting across from you, your focus was diminished. Incredibly diminished.

You knew that Bucky chewed on his pen when he was thinking, but you didn't realise that he did it so much. It was such a simple act. Hundreds of people did it. But they didn't do it like he did. The way he did it, was hot. In fact, everything he seemed to do was hot. Writing on a document, checking his phone, rolling his sleeves up. Maybe it was because you had been in the same room as him all day. Maybe it was because of your evening activities.

Maybe it was what he said to you last night.

It was a lot trickier doing your work and coordinating with other people at the office, having to email or call them instead of simply walking down to their desk, and it was also trickier with Bucky constantly on the phone. Somehow though, you got most of your work done.

The delivery of food every few hours really helped. Apparently, Bucky had a personal chef, who cooked anything you requested. Whether he'd hired this chef just for today, or whether it was a long term arrangement, you weren't sure. But you weren't complaining. Especially when the grilled cheese was that good.

You weren't sure if Bucky had any other 'Mob Business' to deal with, following your attempted kidnapping, but if he did, he was doing a very good job at keeping it from you.

Over the next few days, Bucky finally allowed you to go back to the office. You had to keep cancelling your evenings at The Red Room now that he had someone watching your every move, but Nat just placed you on leave with your other clients. The only one that didn't accept it, was (you guessed it), Bucky, which meant that you had to keep his meetings booked in, and Pietro had to slip you in the back so that your other clients didn't spot you.

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