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Hoping that you read the situation right, you walked through the apartment, towards Bucky's study at 5:57pm. Dressed in a revealing, black lace chemise, and strappy black heels that you didn't think Bucky had even seen you in yet.

This time, you knocked on the study door.

Expecting to hear him call you in, it was surprising to you that it was silent for a few seconds, before the door unexpectedly swung open.

"Luka." He said, smirking as he looked down at you, his eyes taking in your outfit. "Is this new?"

"Is that really what you want to talk about?" You asked, with a raised eyebrow, before slipping past him into the room. You heard him chuckle slightly, then close the door, and you looked over the items that were on top of the desk. "Not sure the other Mob guys would appreciate some of these." You commented, picking up the satin blindfold from the selection and turning around to face him.

Walking up to you, he took the blindfold from your fingers, placing it back down onto the desk behind you, keeping his eyes locked on yours.

"What am I here for Bucky?" You questioned, folding your arms over your chest. On the outside, you would have looked confident, blase, unbothered. On the inside, you could feel your body buzzing in anticipation, your veins starting to heat up, your breathing getting heavier as his stare pierced your soul, and made your brain whizz with possible scenarios.

He never answered your question. Not verbally.

Stepping forward, you tilted your head up, expecting him to kiss you, but he just held his mouth inches from yours, nose grazing yours, as his arm reached for something else behind you on the desk. You kept your eyes looking up at him. The air between you felt thick, tense, warm. You could feel your heart thumping in your chest as you waited.

Next thing you knew, he was sidestepping you, and walking around his desk, dropping whatever he had picked up onto his chair.

"Come here Luka." His order was stern, yet quiet. If you hadn't been completely still, and completely silent, you would have missed it.

Pushing off the desk you had been leaning against, you slowly turned, and walked around towards him, only now catching sight of what was on the chair.

When your eyes went back to him, that's when he grabbed you, pushed you back against the desk, and kissed you.

The feeling shot straight through your stomach, heading south, making your core ache in anticipation. His hands were on your neck, going into your hair, yours finding his shirt in seconds. Pulling him closer. Anchoring your mouth to his. Your bodies pushed together to the point that the wood of the desk dug into your ass. Moaning shamelessly as he kissed you again and again, you lost yourself in how his touch, and his lips made you feel. It was like you'd spent the last week under water, and his kiss was your first rush of air.

His hands moved to your hips, grabbing the thin material of your chemise, bunching it up to your waist, then pulling your underwear down. You moved your legs, making them fall to your ankles, stepped out of them, and then he was lifting you on top of his desk, gripping your hips and tugging you back until you could feel him pressed against you.

One hand slipped between your legs, and your body shuddered as you felt his fingers slide over your core, your gasps and pants swallowed by the kiss, until he pushed his fingers inside.

"Fuck..." You moaned, your head falling back as you held onto his shoulders, his movements already starting to speed up, making you feel like your veins were sizzling hot.

Without saying a word, his mouth moved down to your neck, and he reached his foot back to hook over the legs of his chair, pulling it closer to him, so that he didn't have to let go of you. Fingers slipping out of you, his other arm wrapped around your waist while he reached down, picking up what he needed from the chair as you reluctantly dragged your head back to look at him.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now