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You woke up the next day face down on Nat's sofa, your right arm completely numb from where it had been hanging off the side all night. The minute you opened your eyes, there was a sharp shooting pain in your head, and you quickly closed them again and groaned.

"Well she's alive at least." You heard someone say from above you.

Turning your head to the other side, you opened one eye to look up at Pietro and Nat standing over you, each holding coffee, and smirking at you like parents who were about to tease you for something.

"The fuck are you doing?" You croaked, starting to shift yourself over to lay on your back.

"You've been asleep all day. We had just come to check if you were still breathing." Nat teased.

"Very funny." You mumbled, rubbing your eyes and yawning. "What time is it?"

"4pm." Pietro answered, taking another sip of his coffee.

"The fuck?!" Your eyes flew open, and you sat up, whimpering as the headache stabbed your brain again, and rummaged around your body for your phone.

"Your phone is still on lockdown, you'll just have to trust us about the time." Nat said. "And don't worry, we only got up about an hour ago." She added.

"I feel like a truck hit me." You groaned.

"Yeah well...we finished off the tequila. And the rum. And the weird vodka Nat's been keeping in her freezer since the Cold War." Pietro replied, nodding to the coffee table which looked an absolute mess of various shot glasses, cards, cups, food wrappers, spillages, and lighters. You noticed that the mess continued on the floor and to the other side tables as well. It was like a teenager's first house party had thrown up everywhere.

"I'll clean it." You sighed.

"Coffee first." Pietro ordered, handing you the second cup he had been holding. You took it gratefully, as they both wandered round and plonked themselves right next to you on the sofa, the bounce making your head pound again.

"I've ordered some bacon muffins." Nat breathed, leaning her head back on the sofa and closing her eyes. "Shouldn't be long."

"I could kiss you." You commented, leaning your head on her shoulder briefly before drinking some more of your coffee.

The three of you sat in silence for a minute.

"So," You started. "When are you gonna shout at me for last night?"

"There's no shouting." Pietro said.

"Yeah. No judgement at all." Nat agreed.

"You're both fucking liars." You laughed, making them laugh as well. "And both judgy as hell, so I know you're holding out on me."

"Too hungover to judge you right now." Pietro sighed. "Maybe tomorrow."

"Alright, just give me a warning so I can prepare myself, yeah?" You replied, nudging him gently with your elbow.

"No preparation needed for that." Nat said. "Although you might need some for today."

"Why? What are we doing today?"

"Getting your shit back from Bucky."

"Absolutely not." You scoffed, getting up from the sofa and heading over to the kitchen. You could hear them following you. "I don't need anything from him ever again."

"Oh yeah? Your charger? Laptop? The only shampoo that's made your hair not look like a dull mop?" She teased, flicking some of your hair over your shoulder. "What Bucky packed was shit. And you only had your crap clothes left at yours."

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