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You blinked at him as you processed his statement. He just stared back at you, a hungry look in his eyes, his tongue toying with his bottom lip.

"I.." You cleared your throat. "I'm afraid I'm not available." You managed to say, although it came out in a barely audible, breathy whisper. He raised an eyebrow.


"Because I'm not looking to be dominated."

You saw his teeth clench, the muscle twitching in his jaw.

"If you'd still like to consider this, I can find you someone who-"

"I'll pay double." He interrupted.

"Excuse me?"

He stepped forward. You stepped back.

"I'll pay extra. For you."

"I'm not a submissive." You repeated.

"Never?" He smirked, his hand coming up to your face, his fingers grazing your cheek, just below the lace of your mask. "Not even once?"

You opened your mouth, then you closed it. You didn't want to lie to him. You always told him the truth at the office, and now you were finding that you also couldn't lie to him here, out of some kind of moral stance. He smiled, sliding his hand to your neck and tugging you closer, his lips almost touching yours.

"What will it take for you to consider submitting to me?" He asked in a whisper.

In that moment? Not a whole lot.

In general? You weren't sure. If the other clients got wind of you being dominated it could impact your reputation, and then your clients could leave.

You took hold of his wrist, and guided his hand away from your neck, trying to maintain a blase expression on your face. Once he dropped his hand, you clasped yours together in front of you.

"Like I said, fill out the forms, and note your preference. If we can't accommodate it, you have the option to withdraw." You said robotically.

"My preference isn't a suggestion. I want you, or nothing."

You wanted to melt into the floor at his words, but you forced your jellified legs to start walking to the door instead. As you exited the walkway, opening the door back to the main room, he stepped out, and you walked over to Rohan.

"Please can you give Mr Barnes the new member forms?" You asked the guard politely, still trying to shake off the fact that the adrenaline was bubbling through your body. You could feel him standing behind you. You could feel his breath over your neck as Rohan handed you the pack. You whipped round, determined to not let Mr Barnes' gorgeous face interrupt your professionalism, and handed him the pack.

"I hope we see you again, James." You said politely. He smiled.

"That depends on you, doll." He replied, before turning away from you and heading to the front door, the forms firmly clutched in his hand. He looked back at you just after pushing the door open, and he gave you a wink.

You breathed in as he left, the door shutting too loudly in your opinion. Like you were too aware of it. You raced to the bar, as quickly as your walking speed could carry you. Pietro already had a martini ready for you, which you gulped down.

"You okay?" He asked, the worry evident. You never acted like this here. Like you were...affected. You just gave him a thumbs up and kept drinking. He grabbed his walkie. "Nat, she's coming up." He said, watching you slam the now empty glass down, and race towards the door that led up to the office.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now