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Tangled. Warm. Snuggled.

Those were the first three sensations you registered as you opened your eyes the next morning. Then the smell of Buck hit you and you suddenly remembered everything that happened in the last 24 hours.

Bucky was wrapped around you, caging you to his body, in a protective way that made you feel safe. His eyes were still closed, his chest moving steadily with his breaths, and you spent a few seconds just admiring how peaceful he looked in that moment. He wasn't Mr Barnes, he wasn't a CEO, he wasn't a Mob Boss. He was just the beautiful man you were in bed with, who had turned your life upside down.

Feeling like you wanted to do something, just to appreciate him without fully waking him up, you snuggled closer and started pressing light kisses to his chest, letting the happiness of being so close to him in such a mundane way fill your mind.

Then he was shifting. And inhaling sharply.

And he opened his eyes and looked down at you. Because of course you woke him up.

"Morning Darling." He greeted groggily, yawning and rubbing his eyes before he wrapped his arm back around you and pulled you somehow closer. He hummed, more in satisfaction than anything, grazing his thumb over your spine as he held you close.

You both laid in silence for a few minutes, still waking up properly, but also just thinking about what to say to each other. Maybe now was a good time for you to say-

"How are you feeling?" He asked, and you let out a sudden breath.


"Just good?"

"Very good." You teased, looking up at him with a smile. He wasted no time in leaning down and kissing you, soft, but too long for the first thing in the morning. "Buck, coffee first!" You laughed, trying to wriggle out of his grasp but not succeeding at all. In fact, you were so unsuccessful that he'd managed to roll you onto your back and kiss you again.

"A few more minutes." He muttered against your lips, keeping everything light, and gentle, keeping a couple of inches of air between your bodies, letting his tongue just graze you, not giving anything a chance to descend into a repeat of last night.

He finally gave you a moment of reprieve when he trailed his lips down to your neck. You slid your hands up his chest, his neck, playing with the short strands of his hair as your fingers thread through.

"You're gonna have to let me out of this bed soon, you know?" You hummed, not really believing in your words, your eyes closed as he continued to make you feel so fucking loved.

"Coffee can wait." He replied, his lips now tracing a pattern across your collarbone.

"Hmm, disagree. Need my morning fix."

"You're the only thing I need right now."

Well shit, how were you supposed to respond to that?

It seems your body responded for you. By rolling him onto his back and getting out of bed so fast that even he was surprised. You grabbed his shirt from last night, that you found on the floor as you wildly looked around, and pulled it on, sputtering about how you'd make the coffee before running out of the room.

It wasn't until you'd filled the machine and pressed the start button, that you let your head fall forward, bumping onto the cupboard and thought about just how fucked the situation really was. This morning, last night, the Ball. Everything had always been such a rollercoaster with Bucky, but lately it was uncontrollable, like you were an asteroid hurtling through space, not caring what you crashed into. You had no idea how to get it back under control.

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