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You cleaned the apartment while Nat slept to distract yourself from the fact that your text to Bucky had a red exclamation mark next to it that read 'Undelivered'.

You weren't too sure what you had expected. While you hadn't exactly fleshed out the terms and conditions of Bucky staying with you last night, a part of you had hoped that he would be willing to talk to you. Or that he would stay until you woke up. Or he'd at least be willing to accept your text this morning that said 'Please can we talk?'.

The fact that it couldn't even be delivered to his phone told you that Bucky had blocked your number. And that somehow hurt more than finding he had already left when you woke up. Like it was the final nail in the coffin of telling you that he was done.

You messaged Steve as well. Your text to him went through, and it even showed that it had been read, but he had yet to reply.

Guess you brought this all on yourself.

You weren't aware of the fact that while you were wallowing and obsessively cleaning everything you could find to occupy your hands, Steve and Bucky were arguing about you a few blocks away.

"I'm just saying it's worth hearing her out!" Steve argued.

"And I fucking told you, I'm done." Bucky seethed, flicking angrily through the sheets of the file he was trying to read in his study while Steve unhelpfully sat opposite him.

At least when you were there, you helped with these kinds of work things. But now he couldn't even focus on what Steve was trying to get his signature on to keep Barnes Global afloat while he was dealing with everything else.

"Buck, come on-"

"What is this?" He interrupted, jabbing his finger at the file in front of him, and making Steve sigh.

"You need to sign off on the board's directed new contract."

"Who are they?"

"They're fine, we've done backgrounds on them. A new interface for computer coding. You'll get 3 cents on the dollar everytime someone Googles something."

"Have you checked whether they-"

"They're not involved with Toomes." Steve answered, already anticipating that question. Bucky nodded, then signed at the bottom and passed the file back to Steve. "I really think you should -"

"You need to get back to the office, don't you?" Bucky asked, already pulling his laptop in front of him and typing away. Nothing in particular, just to get Steve off his back.

"Right. Yeah." Steve muttered, standing up with the file in hand and heading to the door. "At least unblock her number." He added, trying not to leave without one final attempt.

Bucky didn't do anything to show he had heard Steve, but the pause in his typing told Steve that he had listened. So he smiled a little at the victory, and left.

Clint soon replaced him, barrelling through the door with Sam in tow.

"What?" Bucky sighed, not having enough energy today to deal with any of this.

"We're ready." Clint said, smiling.

"For what?"

"For the attack. Taking back our docks. Whatever you need, Boss."

"I'm not taking the docks back. They're Toomes' now."

"I told you." Sam hissed to Clint. But Clint just leant on the desk.

"We don't give away territory without a plan to get it back." Clint tried again. "We never have, not until..." He trailed off, standing back up and looking at Sam for help, who just shook his head.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now