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Tony once again met you by his front door once you'd gotten out of the taxi and the gates buzzed open for you. The hug was a bit less awkward this time, and you found yourself thinking about how much you missed him being in your day to day life.

But having Uncle Tony in your life regularly meant returning to your father's organisation. And there was no way in hell you were doing that anytime soon. Especially not now. If the likelihood of Bucky talking to you now was zero, the likelihood of him talking to you after you joined your father's side would be minus 1000.

"He doesn't know you were here the other night looking for him. Wasn't sure if you wanted -" Tony started to say as you both walked into the house.

"Thanks." You interrupted, before taking a deep breath in.

"He's out by the pool. You know you could stay, hang out for a bit?"

"Didn't bring my bikini." You retorted, making Uncle Tony laugh.

"Flying visit it is then."

Uncle Tony pushed open the french doors dramatically signalling his entrance to the garden, drawing the attention of the numerous people stationed around the grounds that you weren't expecting. Then their eyes fell on you.

You noticed a couple of them from the docks, including one of those trying to manhandle you out the doors. At least he had the decency to look embarrassed as hell and avoid looking you in the eyes. Tony led you down the steps to the pool, and you were very aware of the hushed whispers starting to gather momentum from behind you. Finally, you spotted Adrian pacing around the pool's edge while talking on the phone.

Stopping a bit away from him, you waited for him to notice you. It took at least 30 seconds, which goes to show just how self-absorbed he truly was. When he eventually locked eyes with you, he quickly ended his conversation and pocketed his phone.

"Elizabeth. What a lovely surprise." Adrian said. You felt Tony shift beside you.

Uncle Tony was loyal to your father, there was no doubt about that. But it was also Uncle Tony who noticed how unhappy you were in the business, and gave you some starter money to get out on your own. He always had a soft spot for you, and he was always aware of how your father treated you. And how much you'd grown to resent your given name.

"Spare the shit." You said bluntly, although it did nothing to wipe the smile off Adrian's face as he walked towards you. "I'm here to talk about Barnes."

"I thought you weren't going to be involved in any of this?" He replied, the patronising way he said his words not lost on you.

"I'm involved with him. Not with you."

"That's not what I heard recently." He countered. You blinked at how sharply his comment stabbed through your chest, then took a deep breath in to centre yourself again.

"Give him the docks back."

"Oh, I wish I could."

"Then do it."

"I can't. We made a deal. Is that all?" He asked, going to turn away from you.

"Then I'll make a new deal with you." That got his attention. "There must be something else you want?"

Adrian turned back to you, then smiled. Creepily. Like the cat who got the cream. It made you nervous, but you were determined not to let it show. So you stood, silently, waiting for your father to answer you. He was never usually one to back down from a deal.

"Glad to see the old you is still in there somewhere sweetheart." He finally replied. It made your skin shiver. "There was another option on the table. Barnes didn't go for it."

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now