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"OH! OH!" You gasped, jumping around your bedroom as the realisation sunk in. "OOOOOH!"

"Will you BE QUIET?!" She hissed into the phone.



"YOU SLEPT WITH STEVE?!" You yelled into the phone, unable to control the bursting feeling in your chest any longer. "WHAT THE FUCK NAT?!"

"Okay are you done?!"

You flopped back onto your bed, staring at the ceiling as a giant smile started spreading over your lips.

"I think I'm done." You breathed. You heard her sigh on the other end. "SERIOUSLY?"


"No, okay, I'm done. Jeez I knew you two were massively flirting, but one night out is all it took? You kids move fast."

"You can talk, Miss 'He comes to the club once and now I'm his sub', and you're saying that I moved fast?!"

"Yes, okay, point taken." You laughed. "So how was it?"

"Amazing. I think. We were both pretty drunk. I had a great time anyway." She laughed.

"So he's still there?"

"Yeah he's in bed snoring so I'm in the bathroom. Haven't really planned about when he wakes up yet though."

"Hmm, you don't tend to bring them back to yours do you? Can't make a clean getaway."

"Exactly!" She chuckled. "Now what, I have to make him coffee? Gross."

You laughed for a few seconds with her, then suddenly gasped and sat up.

"No, no you don't." You said quickly. "Nat you need to wake him up, now."

"What? Why?"

"Because, the reason I called is because no one is here. Like in the flat, nobody is here, not Bucky, or Sam or Clint. I think Steve is supposed to be, but I tried to call him and it went to voicemail. "

"Oh shit. Okay, wait a minute.." You heard shuffling, doors opening and closing, and then Nat's muffled voice, and a consequential, low groan. You heard Nat speak again, probably poking him some more, and a snipped 'What?!' from Steve.

It was silent for a few seconds. Then you heard a loud 'FUCK!' and a lot of noises. Clattering, banging, slamming, then Steve's voice was on the other end of the phone.

"Luka I am so sorry-"

"Steve it's okay-"

"My phone died, I had an alarm set and I just...shit!" You heard more banging, almost like he'd tripped or walked into something. "I'm on my way, don't go anywhere."

"When do I ever go anywhere?" You mused.

"I mean it. Close all the doors to the rooms you don't need, then go to the front door and lock it, I'll knock when I'm there."

"Not a problem!" You said cheerily into the phone, hanging up with a grimace on your face.

Well, if anything, at least they'd always remember their first time together.

You set about going through the apartment, just like Steve instructed, closing every door you didn't need. You checked the window locks were all in place as well. Finally, you went to the front door, checked the peephole, and locked it.

It didn't feel great, being this paranoid about being in an apartment by yourself, but you didn't really know much about the organisation Dean had worked for. Whether they are the kind of people to sneak in through a window to grab you, whether they even knew where Bucky lived, what would happen if they actually got you in one of their cars. So, it was probably best to err on the side of caution for now.

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