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Sam came to check on you a few hours later. Steve came by 2 hours after that. Both of them brought you food but you just couldn't stomach it.

Apparently, Bucky had been barking orders at all of them, nonstop, and you knew it wasn't because he was angry at them. He was angry at the whole situation.

He was out most of the day, trying to find out some more information on the whole shooting fiasco. How they knew where you were, that you were leaving at that time, who was in the car. Both Steve and Clint tried to tell Bucky it was their fault that you'd ended up shooting at whoever it was, but he knew you had made that choice yourself.

You didn't say many words to Sam or Steve, spending the time thinking about everything that was happening, trying to sort out your emotions. You knew when he got back that he would want to talk. So you tried to ready yourself.

But when you heard the front door close while you were still upstairs in bed, you felt incredibly unprepared.

It was close to 10pm now, when you heard the muffled conversation of Bucky and Steve from downstairs. It sounded short, blunt, harsh. Not like the conversations they usually had together. Then the door shut again, and you figured it would be Steve leaving. It was a few minutes before you heard the footsteps on the stairs, and your heart instantly started beating faster.

The floorboards creaked under his feet, and you heard him pause, the shadow of his figure visible from the gap underneath the door.

Then he walked away. You let out a breath, realising in that moment how not ready you were for this conversation, relaxing back into the bed when you heard the door close down the hall. He'd gone into his own bedroom.

Turning over, you acted as though you were going to sleep, but your eyes were wide open, staring at the wall. Thinking about whether you really needed to talk to him tonight, or if it could wait until the morning. He'd been gone for hours, and perhaps he had an exhausting day, and didn't have the energy to do it tonight.

After a few minutes, you felt too restless to sleep.

Turning on your back, you stared at the ceiling, wondering if he was still awake or if he had fallen asleep already. Wondering if maybe you should just go to his room and get it over with.

Then you heard more footsteps.

Slower this time. As though trying not to make any noise. But the house was rather old, and the floorboards gave him away.

For the second time, you saw his shadow under your door. Your chest felt tight as you waited. Waited to see whether he would open the door.

For the second time, he retreated back to his bedroom.

You couldn't explain the wave of anger rushing through you, making you suddenly get up from the bed and storm to your door, wrenching it open and marching to his room.

Throwing open his door, you stomped towards him as he stood pacing in the middle of the room.

"I have had enough of this!" You yelled, making him freeze on the spot and turn to you with wide eyes. "Of us TIPTOEING around each other and never SAYING anything!"


"Are you EVER just going to talk to me?!" You asked, and he just looked at you dumbfounded. "I'm not some delicate ornament that needs protecting in bubble wrap, I can defend myself!"

"You shouldn't have to!" He finally shouted back. "You shouldn't have had to do any of it, they shouldn't have known where you were, which car you were in, none of it!"

"Well they did, and Clint and Steve were the only reason we all got back in one piece! So you can stop being an asshole to them too."

"You think I'm being an asshole?" He scoffed, walking up to you. "You haven't seen how mean I can be yet Luka. When I find out the son-of-a-bitch that sold us out -"

"You think someone told them?"

"How else could it have happened? Any of this? Finding where you lived? Knowing where you were?" He asked, running his hands over his face angrily as he turned away from you, resuming his pacing again. "I've been
too lax, too distracted. I'm getting everyone in that building checked, IDs, fingerprints taken-"

"You sound ridiculous." You laughed mirthlessly. "You're fingerprinting every single person who lives in your building? You're mad!"

"Someone got in." He spat, storming across the room until he was almost toe to toe with you. "Someone who was working with them. I almost lost you."

"But you didn't."

"Because you were careless enough to shoot out of a moving car!"

"It was either them or us! And if you didn't want me shooting then why did you take me to the practice range, huh?!"

"Don't remind me." He snapped. "You can shoot a gun very well Luka, but that doesn't mean you SHOULD at every opportunity!"

"Jesus Christ," You groaned. "I should have never agreed to any of this. I should have just said no when you came to the club, stayed at my house, I never should have-"

He shoved you back against the wall, his lips crashing to yours, the sudden change in atmosphere dizzying your brain. Not giving you a chance to breathe, he was grabbing you, anywhere he could touch, pulling you closer and closer, licking his way into your mouth.

When he grabbed the back of your thighs, lifting you off the ground, your mouths separated making you gasp as he shoved you back against the wall even harder.

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again." He growled, before wrapping a hand around the side of your neck and pulling your lips back to his. It was messy, all teeth and no elegance. But you kissed him back with the same level of eagerness, the same heightened emotions.

You groaned when his tongue ran across your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth to let him in, tangling your tongues together as you threw your arms around his neck, wanting more, but knowing that you couldn't get too carried away.

He suddenly turned, gripping your thigh and your ass harshly as he moved across the room, bending down and starting to lay you back onto the bed. Putting his hands beside you, he started crawling forwards. The movement was urging you back, onto the pillows, to lay down on them, and that's when you suddenly blinked back to reality.

"Buck..." You breathed, the word making him pull back. Almost forgetting what you were going to say as you looked up into black, lust-filled eyes, his body towering over yours, and you swallowed before continuing. "I don't want to start something we can't finish."

"Fine." He replied, acting as if he hadn't really heard what you said, moving down to kiss your neck.

"I...mean it," You tried again. "I can't do this if we're going to stop halfway."

You couldn't take another night of being let down, of getting so close and it being torn away, of having yet another orgasm from his hands or his mouth. It was amazing, but it's not what you wanted right now. You wanted Bucky. All of Bucky.

"Well then, let's not stop halfway." He murmured into your skin. His words seared through you, lighting a fire up your spine that made you visibly shudder underneath him.

He moved back up to look you in the eyes, as you tried to control the floods of emotions rippling through you.

"I'm done waiting." He stated. "Aren't you?"

You blinked up at him. Nothing in his face told you that he meant anything other than what he was saying. Which meant that if you said yes, you'd finally get what you have been aching for for over a year.

"Yeah." You replied quickly. "Yes, no more waiting, please."

The wicked grin that took over his lips was instant, and he leant back down, smashing his lips to yours.



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