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The office day was stilted, to say the least. Bucky didn't speak to you again, and you didn't speak to him again. You just did your work, clocked off at 5.30pm, and marched out of the building.

You spoke to Steve on the way home about spending the night at your 'friend's house' - i.e. your night job. Nat was going to come over, pick you up from your apartment, and then Steve would walk you both downstairs.

It took the whole walk back to convince him to let you go. Once Nat turned up at yours, he suddenly realised that he was absolutely okay with it, but he simply needed her number as well as yours to keep tabs on you.

You were suspicious, particularly as you noticed his eyes lingering on her a little bit too long.

Either way, you put your evening outfit in a bag, threw your coat on, and rushed off with Nat. You felt a wave of peace rush over you as you stepped into The Red Room, Pietro running up to hug you, and you took a couple minutes just to take everything in.

You had an hour til Bucky was due to come in. Apparently he'd left a few stern words with Nat when she'd called him to rearrange yesterday. And after the days you'd spent with him, you were both nervous and eager to see how he would behave.

Your instructions were to wait in the room before he arrived. You sat on the armchair, your leg crossed over the other, in his favourite purple corset, your hair tied up, mask glued on, and waited.

Ten minutes after your scheduled time, he finally walked in.

Immediately straightening up, you watched him shut the door with a loud slam. There was anger all over his face.

He instantly grabbed your ponytail and hauled you to your feet.

"I won't be easy on you tonight, Doll." He growled.

"Have you ever been easy on me?" You countered, with a wicked twinkle in your eye. He just pulled you over to the table (which he'd requested on your fourth session), and pushed you face down onto it. You licked your bottom lip in anticipation.

This is what you needed. Him to be mad. You to fight back. To release your anger towards him.

He kicked your legs further apart, ordered you to stay, and then you heard him walk around you to get his supplies. When you felt him stand back behind you, he grabbed your wrists, pulling them to the small of your back, and then there was the familiar sensation of rope being tied around them.

"Two things. One, stay silent unless I ask you something." He said menacingly into your ear as he tied. "Second, when you answer, I want you to call me 'Sir'."

Your eyes widened. Your abdomen flared with heat. Your breath became shaky. You shifted your head, trying to look up at him, but his hand went back to your hair to keep you in place.

"Do you have a problem with that?" He asked. You swallowed. Then you awkwardly shook your head as best as you could against the desk. "No, what?"

"No, sir." You said breathlessly.

Why did he suddenly want to call you sir? You had suspicions.

Starting with the obvious fact that you'd said it at the office earlier today.

The evening flew by, in a blur of emotional rollercoaster-ing. He put a gag on your mouth, only pulling it off briefly at every question he asked. He alternated between soft and hard touches, whips and vibrations, teasing your senses, and pushing your limits. He was right, he wasn't going easy on you. An hour in, he'd only let you come once, although he hadn't done the one thing that you really wanted. He hadn't touched you yet, not with his fingers, and not with his lips. You desperately wanted to feel him on you. Just like the first session.

You took his punishments, his teasing, without a single word of protest. Like a good submissive. But when he stopped your orgasm for the tenth time, you groaned loudly in frustration.

He came up in front of you, his forehead shining a little from sweat, his pupils blown wide as he looked down at you. His jacket, his waistcoat, were gone. The top three buttons of his shirt had come undone over the evening, and you desperately wanted to put your hands on the skin underneath.

He grabbed your jaw, making you look in his eyes.

"Something wrong, Doll?" He asked, the innocence in his words a sharp contrast to the lust in his eyes. You shook your head, even though your body was arching in the box frame to get closer to him. He looked down at you squirming, then smiled. "What is it you want?" He asked, his other hand dropping the g-spot toy he was holding, and instead reaching up to pull the gag out of your mouth.

You ran your tongue around your mouth, your lips, trying to get rid of the dry feeling, and then you just stared back at him. You didn't want to tell him, to ask him. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how desperate he made you.

"I asked you a question." He spat, his hand falling from your jaw to your neck and squeezing it lightly.

"Anything you can give me, Sir." You breathed as you closed your eyes. His fingers tightened on your neck, making you gasp.

"Wrong answer." He replied, stepping closer, close enough that his lips grazed yours. You twitched in response. "Tell me what you want, Doll."

Fluttering your eyes open, you finally succumbed to the desperation you felt.

"I want..." You panted, while he just watched, and waited, patiently. "I want you to touch me."

"I've touched you plenty." He countered, but you shook your head.

"Not with...I want you to touch me."

He bit his bottom lip as he realised what you mean. He dropped his hands from your body, and you instantly regretted saying it, thinking he was about to punish you for being so unreserved in your answer.

But then you felt his fingers on your thigh, running along the skin, upwards.

"Like this?" He asked softly, as you arched into his touch.

You nodded as you breathed heavily, his fingers getting closer to your core. When his hand pressed against you, you moaned loudly, and instantly. Every single nerve in your body exploded in euphoria at the sensation of his fingers gliding over you, over your clit, and you were already struggling to keep your climax at bay.

"Is this another exception for me?" He asked with a smirk. You just hummed in response and closed your eyes again as you lost yourself in the feeling. "How many more exceptions are you going to make, Doll? Pretty soon, I'll own your entire body."

You gasped as one of his fingers slid inside, your head falling back. You tensed against your restraints, wanting to grab him, wanting to kiss him, but you kept chanting to yourself that Bucky was a work client, and this was just a job. Just a simple job.

With your boss that you seriously wanted to fuck.

For now though, fucking his fingers would have to do. He chuckled when he felt your hips rolling with him, keeping his pace slow, but the thrusts of his wrist purposeful. He grabbed your ponytail, keeping your head in place, as he finally, finally let you use him long enough for you to come. And the feeling of coming around his fingers, it was something else, something that took you minutes to come down from.

Bucky let you down from the frame gently. He did the same aftercare with you that he always did. He kissed your hand yet again. He promised to see you on Thursday.

You floated up to Nat's office once you could feel your legs again, got changed, and had a good chat about the evening, about Bucky, about the situation in general. You weren't too sure how to act around your day boss anymore at the office, but one thing you did know, was that your evenings with him were not something you wanted to change anytime soon. You felt relaxed for the first time in days.

You left the building a couple hours later as Nat closed up, and then you both started to head down the street. She didn't live far from you, so the first ten minutes of your journey, you were heading in the same direction. As you got to the junction where you separated, you waved her off, and headed towards your apartment.

When you spotted your building, you looked up and down the road, checking for cars. As you stepped off the curb to cross, someone suddenly grabbed you from behind.

You went to scream, but a hand covered your mouth.

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