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"Absolutely not!" You gasped, turning back to Pietro, leaning over the bar and grabbing his walkie talkie from his waistband. "Nat!" You hissed into the device.

"What? Is he really ugly?" Came her voice through the crackly speaker.

"It's fucking Bucky." You spat back.

"Stop it! You're joking?" The walkie-talkie clicked, telling you she'd let go of the button, and you could imagine her swinging round in her chair, clicking through the camera screens on her computer to try and spot him.
"Holy shit."

"I'm not doing this." You said into the device as you quickly looked back over your shoulder at him. Yep, it was definitely him. He was watching Ruby, who was dancing on the pole at the moment, sipping a glass of whiskey, completely unaware that his secretary was 20 feet away from him.

"Look I really need to get payroll done, and I meant it when I said that you have to do something tonight. You just need to do the introduction stuff, it's not like I'll set you up with him." Nat said to you, and you closed your eyes, your head thumping onto the bar as Pietro just watched with his arms folded over his chest.

"He won't recognise you." Pietro said. "And if he does, I'll come and grab you before he can say anything."

You looked at Pietro, knowing that he would do exactly as he says. He's done it multiple times for you, grabbing you when situations have gotten a bit hairy. You really couldn't help thinking that this was a very, very bad idea though. The introductions weren't exactly...hands off.

"I'll give you a night off from Marley?" Nat said through the walkie talkie. "Hell, I'll give you a night off altogether. Come on babes." She urged. "I don't trust anyone else to do intros, you know that."

"You fucking owe me." You hissed back to her, throwing the device onto the bar top. Pietro picked it up and held it to his mouth.

"You'll have eyes on her?" He asked Nat.

"Fuck yeah. I wanna see what happens." She laughed in response. You gave Pietro a look, a pointed look, but he just reclipped the walkie to his waistband then shrugged.

"You know she means it in a nice way." He said, his mouth trying desperately trying to stop the smile that was threatening to creep over his lips. "Probably." He sniggered once, then stopped himself. You glared at him, then you spun on your heel, and walked away from him.

Breathing as you walked, you thought about all the things you had to do, and all the things you should do, but could probably get away with not doing, because you didn't want to be doing them with your boss.
Conversation? Fine. Seeing the rooms? Also fine.

Getting his desires out of him? That may be toeing the line. Trying out some 'green light' toys? Nope. Definitely not.

You tried to take another breath as you got closer to the back of his chair, but you found that this one felt particularly difficult. You rolled your shoulders, trying to ease the nerves, and self-consciously touched your mask and your wig, making sure that they were still in place.

Here we go, you thought. Just another customer. Just any old, run-of-the-mill customer.

You placed yourself to his side, your weight transferring to your right leg, putting your hands on your hips, and cleared your throat, the soft volume of the music making you audible to him. He turned, and, just like usual, his eyes froze on your outfit.

Wearing these corsets always made you feel more confident. And who wouldn't, with the way that people looked at you in them? The corset itself was a deep purple, with black lace detailing over the cups and snaking down your stomach, to match your mask. The way you tightened them gave you a perfect hourglass shape, with the swell of your breasts threatening to spill out of the top. It had a small skirt that fanned out at the bottom, which you always paired with matching purple and black hipster style panties, suspender straps connected to skin coloured stockings with a simple black lace band, and a practically sheer, satin black robe. It was the perfect mixture of showing off the goods without showing very much at all.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now