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Licking your lips, biting the bottom one hard, you finally sobered up enough to form a coherent thought.

And make a coherent move.

Sliding your hands to his shoulders, you used as much strength as you could to push, rolling him over to the side, throwing your leg over his hips and sitting up. Your legs felt numb and your core ached as you pressed down against him, making you automatically shiver. He smirked as you looked down at him, your body still tingling, your fingertips skimming over his chest. You swallowed.

"I want..." You started, as he settled his hands over your hips, your eye catching the wet glisten on his lips as his tongue swept across it. You felt a surge of confidence spread through your chest. "I want these clothes off."

"Are you sure?" He asked, a slight smile on his lips, but your eyes narrowing warned him not to keep playing games.

He sat himself up, his face close to yours, so close that you thought he would kiss you. But he didn't. He just moved his gaze over your face, taking in every minute detail. The sparse freckles behind your warm cheeks, the part of your lips as you breathed slowly, your pupils wide as you watched him, waiting.

He undid his shirt buttons, carrying on from where you left off, both of your eyes glued to each other while he tugged it off. Then his hands went to his belt, brushing against your sensitive clit, making your breath hitch audibly. The corner of his mouth twitched, wanting to smirk at your response, but instead he kept working at the task of unclipping his belt, then the button of his trousers. The entire time, his knuckles grazed you, purposefully, deliberately, until eventually, you couldn't take the teasing anymore. Grabbing his face, you pulled his mouth to yours, the rough, messy kiss filling up each of your senses, overwhelming your already foggy brain.

One arm around your waist, and he lifted you slightly, continuing the kiss, which was getting filthier by the second as you faintly heard the rustle of material of him kicking off the rest of his clothes.

His trousers thumped dully to the floor, and the sound, the knowledge that you were both now completely undressed, made the air change instantly.

You suddenly felt boiling hot, your skin prickling all over as his tongue claimed your mouth, before he was moving to your neck. He licked his way down, before choosing a spot right over your vein and sucking harshly. Your fingers tightened in his hair, where they'd ended up, and you moaned into the air, his hands somewhere on your waist and your back, only knowing that fact from the sharp sting you felt as his fingers dug into your skin.

It was untamed, unrestrained, unrefined. Both of you fuelled by your arousal, eager for more as quickly as you could take it. He was moving with uncontrolled rushed hands, his brain battling with itself between taking the time to worship you, slowly, properly, and just needing to feel you wrapped around him.

When his hand slid around your hips and down your stomach, you had a sudden thought.

"Bucky.." You breathed. "Is...we're not going to be interrupted, right?"

"No." He snapped, more at the fact that you were thinking of something other than him at that moment. He tried to rectify it by trailing his fingers over your core.

"But...if there's...if someone calls you-"

"They won't." He stated, pulling his mouth away from your shoulder to look up at you. "Tonight is just us, darling."

Darling was a nickname you noticed he barely used for you, but in the very few times he had, you realised that you very much enjoyed it. In that moment, you realised he only used that name when he was being sweet. Caring. A distinct difference from the situations he would use 'Doll' in.

The Boss [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now