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Sighing in uttermost bliss, Teresa kissed the tattooed arm that had been underneath her head. Luciano chuckled as he rolled over to a hover and kissed her lips briefly and so lovingly she couldn't help the smile that tugged her lips. His rosé flaming lips of persuasion and desire traveled down to her collarbone, her chest, and each breast. She grinned as she craned her neck to watch him, her fingers sliding through his hair. She loved his hair, smooth and soft.
She made a small sound of a held-back giggle which captured his attention. "I think this may be the best thing in our relationship so far" She teased with a giggle until his eyes snapped up and she realized what she had said, completely regretting it.

"No" She reached out to his face staring into those curious, pained eyes. "That's not what I meant. Luciano, I promise" She began to sit up in worry but Luciano captured her lips, pressing her back into the bed. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked his lips softly. She sighed as he began to lower himself onto her body and he spread her legs so he wouldn't crush her. They wrapped themselves around him. "I just meant I'm really happy we can connect at least on a physical level. That this..." She gestured to them and he smirked as he kissed her nipple. "Will never change" He nodded and she gasps as he encircled his hand around her breasts before cupping them harshly and his head tilted to look into her eyes as he took her nipple into his mouth, massaging her other. He was so seductive and she was like putty to those eyes.
Her fingers caressed his hair as he dragged his tongue down her stomach and then he began to speak as he kissed her there. "I think so too, Tesoro" She felt his grin along his lips and her stomach rose as he kissed her.
"And I wish that we can connect mentally in our relationship as well"

She groaned instantly and gripped his hair, pulling his head up.
"Luciano we promised each other we would not talk about our relationship in the bedroom. At least not in that way" Annoyed that she remembered this and knowing if he continued, she would put him out, he nodded and rose to peck her lips and laid on the side of her and pulled her into his chest. He assumed she hadn't wanted to talk at all as she climbed onto him and laid her hands flat against his chest, but he was wrong as she asked, "Have anything come up?"

Luciano's eyes flashed with annoyance.

One thing he hated more than not having sex with her was talking about business while having sex and he groaned, laying a pillow over his face. She giggled, snatching it. "Tesoro..." He begged and tugged her waist forward but she didn't budge causing a snarl.

He conceded.

"No Tesoro. Nothing and that's neither good nor bad. It's terrible when you're opponent is silent. They're planning, I'm sure of it. I only wished I knew what he is conjuring." He sighed. The truth is, Santino were the least of his worries, Laura was but Teresa didn't know she was alive. Luciano didn't say it, but he knew one way or another a war would come. He didn't want it to. Teresa's finger circled his heart and his eyes found hers. They were so sad as she said "I wish you killed that Santino asshole when you had the chance"

He knew it was coming. He grabbed her hand and cupped her face so gently. "I do to Tesoro. I do and I apologize. I'll forever apologize. I'm sorry" Teresa's eyes lifted at the regret so prominent in his tone. He had gazed off, unconsciously circling his thumb in her hip bone. His jaw began to clench, the sculpture of steepness-as if running her finger over it could cut her. His eyes hardened, without a doubt Teresa saw the red haze. She knew he was thinking of all the ways to torture him. Torture Laura, really. She just wanted Santino dead and she knew Luciano resented himself, even lost confidence in his ability to be Don, the protector, for his escape that day.

Being touched and roused from his thoughts, his hand snapped to her wrist and his eyes fell coldly to Teresa before he breathed out and she laid her hand on his jaw, her thumb over his bottom lip. A smirk tugged as her thumb pressed down on his plumpness and she leaned forward as his eyes closed and her tongue hit first base. They rose and she slammed him back down causing a groan to pull through. "I'm in control" She whispered against his lips and he chuckled as they detached. "Do you remember the first time you tried to take control?" He grinned as she pushed his head down and rose to lay her breasts in his face. Her eyes closed with a soft moan as his hand traveled between her legs.

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