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Dante was able to convince Teresa to leave but not without them making up a reasonable excuse to keep Kane off their trail.

Unfortunately, when they went home, her father had been awaiting them on the porch. Dante began to walk away to give them privacy but she wanted him to stay.

Throwing her keys on the counter, she sighed. Learning Kane was a rat was as overwhelming as is, but now she had to listen to her father castigate her for the umpteenth time. This time she was prepared for it.
"Go ahead, papa. What overrated thing you're going to tell me now?" Her arms folded as she glared at him.

Her eyes rolled. "That I shouldn't be with Luciano, check. That it's dangerous for me, also check. What's new?" Her provocation provoked a scoff from her father in return.

"Hija, why do you have to take the light of these things?" He sighed in disappointment as he shook his head for emphasis.

Teresa loved her father. Spent almost the entire four years in Brazil with him and it was perfect. Yet as she returned to Italy, it's been feuding and friction between the two relationships. She was sick of being spoken to and lectured as if she was a child. Even more, displeased with him trying to be a father now when he hasn't been one for twenty-two years of her life.

So when she answered, she wanted for damn sure he knew he wasn't changing her mind. "Because I've thought about the same thing over and over again and I've always come to the same conclusion...I love Luciano. I love my children and they love him just as much as he loves them. Why would I take that away from them?"

It was much easier when they didn't know Luciano, but being old enough to know who exactly is their real father, being able to bond with him, she couldn't take that bond from Luciano or her children. She wouldn't forgive herself and they wouldn't forgive her.

"It doesn't matter the risks anymore, yes I've thought about them, yes I'm afraid of them but last time I overthought, I abandoned Luciano, took his kids from him and he attempted to kill himself. And I'm not saying I'm here out of guilt but the realization that I don't want to be anywhere else if it's not Rome Italy, in this house, with him. Father, hate Luciano or not I'll be here forever and if he decides to leave this business, then I'll follow him."

Follow him anywhere, she thought.

"Wherever and so will our children because we will always be together and I'm not sorry that you won't change my mind"

Her children were home. Luciano was home. Their family was home and she never had a home before. A real one. She couldn't allow this one to split again because she was afraid. Afraid of those risks and dangers because Luciano wasn't.

Dante and Teresa were staring at her father wondering if she had finally gotten it through his skull her decision. If he were going to back off. It seemed so until he found his eyes and his desire to debate became more prominent. "Okay then" Her father responded.

Dante's head tilted and Teresa stared at her father speechless. Dante was sure her father was going to debate, he saw it. Why-

"I assume a rivalry presents a real threat, you'll send your children far away then?"

There it was.

Teresa breathed out as she felt defeated. He wouldn't give up, would he? "Without their parents? And when they're older, guards will raise them yes? Assassins?" He spat the word while glancing at Dante.

Her father took a step forward and the more he spoke, the closer he got. "That's what you want hija?"

He stopped inches away and Dante noticed how Teresa's will to argue wavered. Her father was getting to her because he understood. It wasn't ideal to hear that maybe her children will be raised by guards, by assassins, and without their parents but if it was one thing Dante knew, it wouldn't just be anyone.

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