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THE soft, cold liquid of luxurious and sweet wine, coursed through Teresa's body, soothing her throat as well as increasing her giggling at Carter. "I swear, he's exaggerating! I was not trying to be like Beyonce!" She exclaimed, pushing his shoulder playfully causing him to rub against the chair.

Her hand swirled the cup in hand as a new smirk appeared on her face. The glass inched closer to her lips as she said, "No I was trying to be like Channing Tatum on Magic Mike baby!"

They filled with laughter and continued drinking together. They had finally made it to their restaurant. Of course, they loved it, loved the food, the wine even better, especially Teresa who was on her fifth glass.
"We should come here every single day!" Nina whooped, sipping her wine as did Georgia. It was Rome and Carter's idea not to let them drink strong alcohol but they were glass after glass as if it was.

"You know..." Teresa trailed, cut off by her burp that made their eyes pop as if she turned into a frog. Then they chuckled at her embarrassment. Rolling her eyes, she continued. "You could come here every day if you would move in with me" She set the cup down, realizing Georgia and Rome glanced at one another. Then Georgia sighed, setting her wine down. Then the mood shifted. Her brother's voice caught her attention.

"Teresa it's not that we don't want to—" Georgia cut him off.
" It's just... you know we can't"

Carter had begun to rub his creased forehead in a sigh. Nina lowered her wine, averting her eyes. Teresa didn't know how to feel anymore. It's not as if this was the first time the option to live with her presented itself but they always avoided answering and she knew it was just because they didn't want to hurt her feelings. Teresa knew they didn't want to live in Italy. Yes, they tolerated Luciano, but she knew despite being in love with him, they despised him for everything he stood for and never forgave him for the things he's done.

For starters he didn't make a great impression on beating their father, second, they didn't forgive him for killing their uncles regardless if they attempted to kill him first, and they would never attempt to accept him because the only reason she found them, was because to them, Luciano hadn't made good on his promise to always protect her. The hated he was the reason she was in danger and had to flee home while pregnant with her twins. She knew that they didn't think him good for her, but out of respect, they didn't say it. They were adamant about staying in Brazil.

"Maybe you should think about moving back Teresa" Georgia whispered lowly, beginning to play with her food. Her eyes never rose. Probably because she knew moving back was never an option. Not when Teresa had her twins. Where Luciano went, they went. It wasn't about her anymore.

Rome cleared his throat. "I mean, if we were to make such a big decision to move to Italy, I wouldn't want to live off my sister's money. His... His money."

Carter's head and eyes snapped as if offended.

He then interjected. "I did it. I fled Brazil with her, for her and the twins." He glared at Rome. "I mean, technically I am living off her money but I make up for it. Rome, you won't be a leech to your sister. Luciano will assure that."

Georgia's fists balled at Carter's claim.

Startled by Georgia's hand slamming on the table, Carter and Teresa tensed. "Brazil wasn't your home, it was easy for, you and besides Italy isn't your home either. The crime pulled you there. All you did was escape it and look where you are now, you're pulled back in it." Discreetly, Carter's hand lowered under the table to grab Teresa's. She hated it all. Hated the mental rift between her and her siblings. They would never be as close as she wants. Not if she lives in Italy.

Carter leaned forward with a nod to Georgia's statement. "Yes, truly neither of them was my home. My home isn't a place, my home is Teresa, it's Luca and Tino. It's where I can love, and be loved. I'm okay with being pulled back into the crime because of my family. It's inevitable when you're born into it." He glanced at Teresa, she smiled a little because she was grateful for him. Grateful he was always there for her. She knew he would always have her back.

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now