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HEARING a thud, Luciano rose, his eyes snapping open as he breathed out in relief to escape his terror.
His breathing quivered as his eyes lowered to his chest which was now covered in sweat, the moon shining making him glisten.

Damnit. Another nightmare.

Switching the light on, he groaned as he brought his legs over his bed. He rubbed his face and shook her screams from his head. Teresa screams. Screams of death.

He began to think the nightmare was telling him that eventually, he would kill Tesoro.

Rubbing the back of his neck, he got up for a towel.
Lately, he's been trying to figure out what to do to make it up to her that wasn't materialistic. However, it proved to be difficult considering he gave her everything with money. Except for love. Not even that was repairing anything now. It pissed her off instead.

Adriano had been avoiding Dionne, Luciano knew it. Adriano wanted to resolve the issue between him and Teresa even Nina. Nina more than anything with the revelation of herself in love with him.

Luciano wanted to assist his brother, but he too was stuck in his head and had done enough to the two women. Besides, Nala claimed he allow Adriano to fix what he broke.

However, he thought Adriano an idiot to claim no strings attached to Nina, his friend before screw buddy. Feelings were bound to happen as long as they were screwing. Not to mention they were good friends before the entanglement began.

Tossing the towel to the ground, he headed out of his room to the kitchen for a bottle of water. It was dark in his home and as he flipped the light on, he halted once hearing the cocking of a gun inches behind him.

Out of all nights he chose to leave his Glock on the nightstand, he chose this one. Groaning and annoyed he hadn't slowed his pace as he turned around to face his potential attacker. An attacker that would die.

It was his surprise when he faced Jonathan at the end of the gun, his hand trembling, the gun shaking. It was obvious he hadn't shot one before. "Well...this is surprising" Luciano chuckled.

Sometimes Luciano wondered what his attackers thought when he refused to show any sign of caution or weakness when a gun was pointed out, in one second his life could be taken. However, Luciano walked out of doors every day with the risk of their life being snatched. He believed if you began strong, fearless, you would end that way too.

Only one question, how did he get inside? So he asked.

Jonathan cackled, it didn't make the guy any scarier, just depressing. The guy had a limp and a disarranged jaw. How could he be frightening? "Easy," He said and Luciano's eyebrow rose. Easy was one word that couldn't describe his guards. "I told them the name of the strip club I owned and that you were expecting me"

Oh yes, Luciano understood. Maybe his guards were easy had they not come to confirm with him though he understood their hesitance to fuck up a good business deal so he wouldn't kill them. But hurt them badly.
"Well, nice going with the business partner plan" He clapped his hands with a smirk.

"Bullshit!" Jonathan yelled, jamming the gun at Luciano's face but Luciano only moved his head back a few centimeters away from the barrel. "I am not doing anything for you" He claimed.

Luciano's eyebrows furrowed. Jonathan intended to kill Luciano because he was afraid to be under his wing. That's an odd reason. "You think so?" He chuckled.

"I'll pay it back" Jonathan responded instantly but Luciano shook his head. Amateurs. They didn't understand the damn rules. Pay it back? He thought this was some sort of loan? He took a step forward and Jonathan bit his lip and squeezed the grip of the gun harder in fear. Fear? He's holding the gun, Luciano wanted to chuckle.

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