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HIS eyes never left the screen, his fingers tapping, each key released sounds, forming together into a song. Every small few seconds, a click would break the rhythm.

Until the door opened and his eyes rose from the laptop onto Adriano's face. "I'm leaving, but I will be here later tonight," He said.

Luciano had shrugged until Adriano's body was halfway through the opening of the door and he stopped him with a word. Adriano faced him and he groaned. Luciano chuckled as he closed his laptop to lean into his chair. Adriano knew what was next.

"In a hurry brother? Off to a secret lover?" He teased with a chuckle.
"Haha." He laughed sarcastically with an annoyed look. "No, not a lover but if you must be in my sex life, it's just one of those one-night stands. I'm not interested in a relationship just yet, prefer to wait."

Luciano had stared at him. For once, they agreed on something. Nor did Luciano think Adriano was ready for such a commitment. "Yes... I think that is best to" He nodded in highly unexpected agreement.

Luciano, a man irrevocably in love with Teresa was agreeing not to be irrecoverably in love with another woman? Adriano closed the door. Now he was troubled as he leaned forward, his hands on the table. "Did something happen between you two again?"

The movement of Luciano's chair stopped and his head tilted. "On the contrary brother." He chuckled. "I only meant it was a huge commitment at this time. It's best your patient"

Patient, that was hysterical, and as Adriano expressed that, Luciano demanded what was amusing. "Nothing. I'm just wondering how you the man who searched for a stripper to be your woman- Actually, I do have one question about that. How did you know a stripper would've made a good Queen?"

Teresa had been a former stripper and hadn't touched a pole in months at least for anyone else's eyes. She hardly danced for Luciano anymore and he wondered did she miss it. Adriano's clearing of his throat brought his attention. "They are... sneaky little things. They are full of sass, the craving to be dominated, they are independent, take what they want damn the consequences, and their only goal is to be at the top. A woman who doesn't need a man, but knows a good one, would make her life easier. I suppose it's not their choice of career, but what the choice formed them to be."

Luciano shook his head as he thought of Teresa.
"Tesoro was everything and more. Besides, they all look at men as if they were banks because men hadn't seen past the g strings, ass and titties did they? A tough woman on the outside, one on the inside that wanted nothing more but to be tamed. Especially Teresa"

His eyes darkened.

Teresa lived for dominance. There wasn't a single part of her that wanted a man to truly submit to her.

Luckily, he found her first. Give her all the dominance she so begs for, and then some.

Adriano laughed out, interrupting the dark fantasy.
"Need a moment to—" Luciano's hand stopped him as he rose forward. He was back to Don Rossi and Adriano knew it.

"Tesoro will be moving in with me. Our children and Carter will be on the jet to Brazil first thing in the morning. Understand?" Adriano nodded and his troubled eyebrows furrowed.

"Is she okay after..." Laura, he wanted to say.

Luciano didn't lie to him when he told him Teresa was shaken up once she heard Laura's voice again. Adriano feared she would know he kept the secret but Luciano assured him he hadn't told and never will. As far as Teresa know, Luciano didn't tell him either.

But what were they going to do?

"Nothing" He answered. "The message had been from Laura no doubt in disguise of Santino's orders. It means she either works for him or she's—" Adriano scoffed, they both knew Laura working for any man was doubtful.

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