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LAURA again yelled at the fashion stylist. "Longer I said! Longer!" She demanded, the stylist scurrying off to find a new long dress. She huffed as she stood before the mirror, profiling herself to the right.

So mediocre, she thought.

"Hey!" She called out and the stylist ran to her aid. "Does this dress show my bump?" She smiled. Her hand ran over her small stomach, there wasn't much there being so early in pregnancy. She heard a chuckle and she pouted as she faced the man who evoked the sexy sound.

Her man. Santino Moretti. 220lbs of sexiness.

He glanced at the stylist, the man nearly soon to piss himself. "What have I told you, Laura?" Her eyes rolled as he nodded for the stylist to exit. "They are not slaves, stop yelling at them as if they're your damn children. They work for you and keep this up, no one will create you a beautiful dress not even if I threaten them."

Typical Santino. His moral complex was nearly annoying and quite a turn-off. However, she continued to smile and nod meekly. Sighing, he grabbed her waist to bring her nearer to his chest. "What do you require? I'll get it for you"

She looked down, his eyes following. "The dress it's not long enough. I just want it to drape and look beautiful and perfect and-" His finger lifted her chin to search her eyes.
"Laura is this about the dress or the ball coming up? First time seeing Luciano since what happened." His voice lowered to a soothing whisper as he watched her eyes fall to the ground.

He pulled her hand as he sat on the bed and she turned around to sit on him, his arms wrapping around her as he planted a tender kiss on her shoulder. She craned her neck to stare at him. "I swear it has nothing to do with any love for him, Santino. I swear-" His lips pressed against hers, stopping her. Instantly her eyes closed and fluttered open as he nodded.

That prompted a smile and she kissed him briefly once more before leaning back onto him. "I just hate him so much. It's just difficult. Difficult to remember that he didn't care anything about our child being killed or me being tortured. I'm worried I'll lose my shit, Santino"

Not only was she tortured by their enemies, but he also forced her to relive another torture with his hand. That was a different pain of its own.

Nodding and kissing her shoulders more, his hands lowered to massage her stomach making her giggle.
"That's why you are going to be far away from any weapons. Including mine" He teased and she laughed out, throwing her head back enough for his lips to touch her neck. He knew just how to cheer her up. She sighed and laid her hands over his.
"I swear to you sweetheart, I'll be there beside you. Besides, Luciano Rossi would never make a move in a public setting like that. Embarrass his family?" He chuckled and suddenly Laura shared his bemusement as well.

She knew one thing about Luciano and it was he wasn't a reckless man. Most of the time at least. She focused on the entire week she had of relaxation before the ball, it was a short thought. Then she refocused on revenge. "How is our plan coming along Don Moretti?" She grinned.

The one guarantee to turn him on, place him in a powerful position such as being a Don and acknowledging so.

She felt his breath on her cheek, a kiss planted before her ear. "Don't provoke me baby" He bit her ear making her giggle and slap his thigh rousing him from his seduction. He grinned as he sighed. A sigh that meant not bad, but also not good.
"There hasn't been any retaliation, no moves on Luciano's side"

Santino shrugged, Luciano had been the least of his worries anyway, at least not now. The ball was a different story. Laura hadn't stressed. "I know it will take time. Luciano would go to the families in search of their support if he wanted war. Besides, it's too soon for him. Luciano won't retaliate unless we make him. Force him out of his hole like a fucking mole"

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