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Opening the door halfway with Teresa slightly behind him, standing on the tip of her toes unsuccessful at looking over his shoulder.

It was her driver and he handed her a bag and a bouquet of pink, dark pink, and white Chrysanthemums. She smiled and walked off, with her face in them making Dante chuckle. He glanced at the driver and stepped closer out of earshot as he asked, "Is it done?"

The driver didn't answer, just handed him a piece of paper.  "The ice?" Dante questioned, still reading the note with perusal and then the driver chuckled with a nod. "I'll never understand you, Dante Russo. Be discreet yes?"

As if he didn't know that, Dante thought with the roll of his eyes and demanded the location of his bag. "In the car"

With a nod, Dante made their way to Teresa who was too busy setting her new flowers inside the vase on the kitchen counter. Of course, Luciano sent her more.
He called out to her, capturing her attention.
"I have some business to handle. Mateo will watch over you until I return. Don't give him a hard time"

Teresa's eyes slid to the paper in his hand and once he noticed, he slid it into his pocket making her roll her eyes and huff. "Well clean the blood off before you come home" She teased and he leaned down each other to kiss the other's cheeks. She smiled as she watched him walk out of the house, Mateo following him. They would do a perimeter check before he left.

Excited, she went into the bag and pulled out what was shaped like a plate of foil. When she took off the foil, there was plastic over the pasta. A note was attached to it.

Of course not, This is 0'0 Semolina flour pasta. She remembered Luciano saying this at a pasta-making class and even though she hadn't quite learned much or remembered anything from it, she remembered that morning, he made their relationship official. They were in bed together, they shared a heart-to-heart conversation the previous night and Adriano awoke them up with Rolo.

He was staring at her as he stared at her every other morning. Like he wouldn't want to wake up beside anyone else.

"I do not want to use the terms boyfriend and girlfriend because I feel it is childish, but I would like us to be official Tesoro," He said, staring at her and she nodded, her eyes closing.

Then they opened with realization and she lifted, to stare at him.

" You. Luciano Rossi is finally committing to me?" She questioned and he nodded.

" Yes Tesoro"

Luciano was always being distant from her and never truly committed. Even though he told her he loved her, they hadn't quite labeled their relationship and he didn't find it important but she did. She never knew where she stood. Now she knew.

Going into the bouquet, she searched expecting a card somewhere and she found it.

I miss you so much, Tesoro. If you ever feel lonely, call this number.

He left a number on it and she smiled assuming it was his private one. In an instant, she ran upstairs to grab her phone and dialed the number. Hearing it ring made her queasy inside. They hadn't talked in a while and hearing his voice again would be heaven.

: Hello?

Teresa's eyes narrowed as the voice was not Luciano's and not a man's either but a woman's.

: Hello?

They too were confused and Teresa thought the voice was familiar as she slid it back to her ear.

"Nala? Is that you?"

: Teresa?! Wow, am I surprised to hear from you?

Teresa told Nala about what Luciano did. It was sweet and considerate and even though Teresa was expecting to speak to Luciano, this was nice. Nala wasn't a friend but she was someone she could talk to that would take her seriously unlike Georgia and Nina who always tried to brighten her up with alcohol or partying.

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now