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Running downstairs in new clothes that hadn't been ruined in blood, Teresa demanded her driver to move from in front of the door. He didn't even speak, just stood there.

"Please!" She yelled, a fresh batch of tears rolling down her cheeks. She pushed him hard but he grasped her arms as she struggled to escape them. "My sister was shot. You need to listen to me!" She continued to yell, her blood cells rushing, boiling, and blistering. Like gas particles, they were everywhere, pounding against the container soon to burst.

"I am your goddamn Queen and you'll listen to me or there will be hell to pay!" She shouted. She was so afraid. Dante didn't listen to her. He didn't care about Georgia, he tossed her into the car and she didn't know if Georgia made it to the hospital if she was okay. She was panicking.

She screamed out her infuriation and began to cry as she paced back and forth. Then she heard the door open and Dante walked in, blood on his suit as he said, "No one is doing anything"

The particles burst as she stomped up to him and slapped him. It was hard and even made her hand ache but she was too pissed to care. Dante huffed, his urges to manhandle her slowly were pushed down and he stared at her instead. "Did that make you feel better?" He asked.

How dare he? How could he be so calm?

She began to sob. With being shot at, Georgia getting hit and not knowing what happened to her, and then Dante walking in as if everything was okay. She didn't know what to be mad at most. That she could remember Georgia's blood all over her dress, her hands, and shushing her so she wouldn't talk. Holding her head so she couldn't choke on her blood and yelled for Kane to keep the pressure on her.

Yelling for Dante to come and make it better.

Dante nodded for the driver to leave and once the door opened, she ran for it but he caught her in his arms. Lifting her from the ground as she shouted, kicked, and slapped around for him to release her. She didn't know where she would go. Where Georgia was but she needed to leave. Needed to see her.

"Let me go!" She shouted out and tried pushing down on his arms but he only held her tighter. He settled her to the floor and whispered for her to stop. Pleaded with her to stop fighting him but he was only making her cry harder. "Georgia is okay Teresa."

Georgia is okay

She repeated in her head. Her sister was okay, he wouldn't lie to her. She coughed out as her throat began to hurt from shouting and she was spun around into his chest to face him but she continued to cry and avert her eyes. It was great news Georgia was okay but she couldn't forget seeing her laying there.

It was so fast. She remembered Kane covering her but hearing a cry and she knew, knew it was Georgia.
"She's okay. I got her there. She's with Rome now. I had to get back to you" He sighed.

Get back to her because he knew she would've been close to a breakdown. But also because he was just slightly startled at how shaken he became. It was the first hit in years when he quit his work. The way it was instinct to grab his gun, remove the safety, and shield himself. He knew the sound of a hit all too well. The world would become quiet, almost everything becoming slower but the screech of the wheels getting closer and closer. The bullets wheezed past his ear and all he thought about first was to protect and not kill.

He hadn't felt that in a long time.

"You just tossed me into the car." She sniffled. "Ignored me"

He couldn't apologize. Apologizing meant fixing it in the future, changing what he did but he wouldn't. Teresa's safety was first. Not just because it was his job but because Georgia meant so little to him that her survival wasn't important if Teresa hadn't cared for it. He would've left her to die if she had been an average friend. But she wasn't, she was her sister.
"I'm not sorry for putting your safety first Teresa but know I tended to her as soon as you were out of my sight. You know I wouldn't do that to you"

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now