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KISSING each of his son's heads, he nodded to them.
"Try not to get into trouble and I promise ice cream before bed" He smirked. Luca and Tino glanced at one another then shook Luciano's hand, constructing their deal. Chuckling, he watched them run towards the school building.

Once he was back home he noticed Teresa had still been asleep in bed. It was nine in the morning. As a man waking up earlier than five in the morning, this just wouldn't do. Besides, he wanted to speak to her about yesterday's issue. But not like this.

Therefore, he dressed in casual attire to cook her breakfast. When he cooked, he smothered her in food, one of her five favorite things, of course, he stood at the top of the list. She enjoyed it when he cooked, he did too. It was something graceful and a precious thing about a man cooking any and everything his woman desired. The saying the best way to a man's heart was food, was bullshit. The best way to Teresa's heart though? Spot on.

This time, he hadn't wanted to smother her as if he was attempting to 'butter her up so he made a simple, boring plate of breakfast. Waffles with strawberries, syrup, and powdered sugar on top. Cinnamon sugar pretzels, an omelet, bacon, and homemade orange juice on the side.

After setting the platter down and opening the curtains for the sunshine to grace her, he leaned down to kiss her on her lips softly. "Tesoro. Wake up for me?"

She groaned and turned the other way causing him to chuckle. Instead, he slid his arm underneath and flipped her over. "You cannot sleep your problems away. I've made you breakfast."

Breakfast, he said.

Her eyes fluttered open with a smile. "You made me breakfast?" She whispered and he nodded. Sighing and caving for his food, she cupped his face, their lips briefly catering to one another. "You're a hypocrite by the way. You sleep yours away"

True and he chuckled, kissing her again before helping her sit up and place the tray on her lap. While she reached for the bacon, he slid behind her to kiss her neck and shoulders. His hands massaged her thighs underneath the blankets as he kissed her temple.
She smiled of course peacefully as he whispered questions in concern. If she was okay? Did she need anything from him? What could he do to relieve her of this? It was nice as he kissed her ears but not enough kisses, food, or comfort in the world would take her mind off this.

Of his deceit.

"Tell me why you never informed me Laura was alive. I thought she died with the others, you said so Luciano. You said they were gone. That I was safe, why did you lie to me? You..." She sighed removing the tray back onto the stand next to her bed. When she gave up food, it was never good so he expected her to turn around to face him and to look into his eyes when he answered.
"Luciano you never lie to me"

Of course, he didn't but then, he was desperate for her to return he said any and everything he could.

"I told you, you were safe Tesoro and you were. The second we would get on the plane back, I was going to order their end. But—" His eyes lowered as a deep regretful sigh left his lips.

Trepidation settled deep into his chest.

Teresa knew he was hiding something and he feared she would ask, and he would tell her. With no choice.
"I had not killed Jovana, Laura did. Somehow she fucking escaped and she left Mia to relay her message."

Teresa waited to hear this message and when he said it, her breath caught in her throat.

Ci sono cose molto peggiori della morte.
There are far worse things than death.

Luciano grabbed her hand as if fearing she would run for the hills now. Instead of pushing him, her hand laid against his chest, and her forehead followed. The one sentence Luciano told her before. She disrespected him and he took it upon himself to go as far as manipulating her to believe she was being kidnapped, to prove a point. That he could frighten her to the core without causing her physical harm. The thought of dying had shaken her and it showed her what he was capable of.

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