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THE next chilly morning, Teresa had awoken from her slumber to turn down the cold air and when she turned around, over the balcony of the stairs, her sleepiness was taken over by the laughter in her eyes at the beautiful, adorable scene before her.

Luciano had been asleep on the futon in the living room. Luca and Tino cuddled into either side of their father. Luciano didn't sleep on futons, hell he hated sleeping on the couch(apparently because she wasn't in his bed).

She decided to leave him be instead of teasing him about the crumbled work clothes he so happily takes care of so well. Luciano was a man who didn't appeal to wrinkles unless she made them. Made them by gripping his shirt, tugging on it, or simply rushing to snatch it off. Either way, he was sacrificing the neatness for her neediness.

She was drinking vanilla coffee with two shots of cream while cooking breakfast, Luciano hated it the first he tasted it. No sugar, he despised that part. The twins had school in two hours and she tapped Luciano to wake him up. His eyes were wide, lifting in a flash before she assured him everything was fine. It took him a small second to realize he had been on a futon, in her home, asleep between his children. He groaned, knowing the sparkle in her eyes meant she was going to tease him.

Like the grumpy father he was, he moved to a sit and put a finger out, "Do not tell a soul" She giggled. Of course, she would and he rolled his eyes. Of course, the cold Don hadn't wanted anyone to find out just how comfortable he had gotten with his children. A miracle to their eyes, but a weakness to others. He hadn't wanted anyone to think of him less than the no merciful man he was. Teresa had to tease him once more. It's rare these things happen.

"Luciano...you have a drawn eye on your cheek" He rose an in instant despite his children moving by the speed and she grabbed his hand quickly with a chortle.
"I'm kidding!" Grumpy groaned again. He looked down at his shirt as he stood up. It was destroyed. Luca & Tino made nearly all men including Luciano lose the liberty to tell them no. "Well, it seems a change of wardrobe is quite damn fitting so early" Luciano became an angry grandpa, his nose scrunching up.

She rounded the counter, "I think Carter has-" Her words faded the second, Luciano's built-in light-haired and inviting body captured her attention and like a cat and a laser, her eyes followed his body up the stairs that seemed too short for her liking. The trip up no more than five seconds, to her, and as he was returning downstairs, a new shirt, one now black, she pouted.

Soon, the show would be over.

His irresistible invitation ebbed as his arms were through the sleeves, his fingers grasping at the buttons.
Before she could speak, he beat her to it. "Well of course I would need a wardrobe. Here. Place to place and all" She wanted to smile. To laugh even, share his laughter but as her eyes caught the healed scar over his chest, the moment was ruined.

She remembered how he got it. The first time she saw it. He was shot. Only a graze but that hadn't made her worry any less. Made her worry far more had he completely taken it lightly the day she found out. He dismissed it, even deflected, nothing new there. Unwillingly, her eyes began to darken, the pit of hollowness in her chest where her heart should have been filled with joy. It wasn't that day. Red became black, a smile became a frown, and want had become worry.

Luciano had grabbed the coffee mug from her hands, realizing she hadn't reacted much less moved. Something was wrong with his woman. His eyes reassessed her once, twice. Then his eyes followed and a regretful sigh escaped his regretful soul. Had a lot of regrets. So many.

So many weighing on him as if he was buried without a coffin. Still, he couldn't dig his way out. "Tesoro" He whispered and tilted her head back slowly to place his tender lips against hers. She hadn't responded for a second before his lips moved against hers in another attempt and this time her eyes did close, and she did respond. React as his arm encircled her waist and pulled her into his chest. Her hand instinctively laid flat against his hair.

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