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HIS gun clattered to the floor and all of a sudden, the bathroom door slammed shut and she ducked as bullets rang and flew past her but couldn't hit her. Again, she didn't care where she shot, but she shot through the door as they did her.

More grunts, more guns clattered and then it fell silent.

She waited. One, two, ten seconds but nothing happened. Not a single word. Until she heard pained moans. Her legs trembled, threatening to give out as she stepped out and over the two dead bodies in the bathroom.

A man stared at her as she approached and raised his gun to shoot her, but she shot him first.

She didn't spare herself from the blood, and the dead bodies as she tried to hurry and make it upstairs. But as she hit the last step, her gun was smacked and she was punched and sent rolling down the stairs. Back to square one, she groaned.

The back of her head burned and as she felt it, blood was left on her fingers. Even as her vision fell hazy, she scattered to her feet and ran just as a bullet wheezed past her.

They didn't want her dead, did they?

As if answering her thoughts, the gun was tossed to the floor and it skids past her. She knew it was some kind of test. "Nice of you to join us"

Her eyes snapped to the picture frame on the table. It wasn't much, but it was something. She grabbed it and as the man turned the corner, she slammed it at his head. He yelled as the glass shattered and she jumped to the ground for the gun.

She didn't make it.

He snatched her ankle. "No, you don't"

Yes, she does. She reigned her boot back and slammed into his temple. She rose quickly and let off one, two, and three shots into his body.

Startled by the arms wrapping around her, she shrieked. She thought about what Carter told her. How to escape a man. This would hurt especially since her head was bleeding.

At the same time, she tossed her head into his temple, she brought her foot up to stomp and crush his own. He stumbled, but instead, his arms tightened and so she took her last resort.

She bit him. Hard. Her teeth chomped until blood leaked from them as she pulled hard. He yelled and instantly, pushed her away. She didn't get far as she screamed in terrible agony when his hand grasped her hair, her scalp on fire as he snatched her back and slammed her face first into the wall.

It left her nose bloody and her vision winking in and out. "You biting whore" He snarled. With his strong arm, he choked her, and strangled her against that very wall he slammed her on.

Oxygen was leaving quickly. Throat tightening, swelling and she coughed as her eyes squeezed together painfully. He would render her unconscious if she didn't do something.

So she found his weakness. She shoved her thumbs into his eyes as hard as she could even while being disgusted as the blood leaked on her hands. But he dropped her to the ground with a yell. He crashed into the glass, unable to see and so she crawled to her gun. It was difficult and she coughed and spat out as she gripped it. She turned to her back and pulled once and twice until she heard a thud.

Her hands rose to her throat with a sniffle. A pained moaned and cried as she fought to stand up.
She laid her hand on the wall to steady herself but then cried out once something sharp, tiny and bruising stuck her neck.

She turned around and there he was. Santino's second.
"I admit. I'm impressed. Night night" He grinned.

Her eyes weighed and she felt his hands at the small of her back before she dropped into them.

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