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THE entire ride home was silent. She stayed in Luciano's arms with his kisses against her head every so often and she knew he was thinking a lot by her wanting to have a conversation with him. She realized they didn't have many relationship conversations unless they were arguing with each other or he was soothing her. They never sat down to have a conversation about their happiness. How they were feeling and what they may feel the other should work on.

She wanted to now.

However, she wanted to clean off the outside impurities first. Knowing the conversation may be very deep and may end in tears, she knew she would fall asleep right after and she would rather shower first.

So when they walked into the house, she went upstairs to her room-their room. She wasn't sure actually. It was a new house and even though the room wasn't decorated as if it was for her and not him, she knew it was his. A few suits and shirts were in the closet and all his man products were stocked in the bathroom but he didn't sleep in there. She never asked why either, because she knew.

So when she opened the door and entered the room, she didn't expect to be surprised and lovestruck once she saw the decorations surrounding her.

It was like Valentine's Day.

There were candles. Not just any candles, they were lavender and they weren't fake candles that you turned on for safety, they were real. She could smell the aroma in the room. She always loved the smell of lavender. It reminded her of her Aunt's room in Brazil as a child. The scent stuck with her and it's always been her favorite scent.

Even though the scent caused an asthma attack the first time she was engulfed in it. The memory made her giggle to herself.

Her eyes lowered to the hardwood floor. There weren't just red rose petals forming a path but also her favorite flowers. Chrysanthemums were deep red, some small, some big, and even a few petals interspersed with the roses.

Her eyes sparkled in wet unshed tears as her heart began to beat strongly and she saw the bed.

There were two vases in the center. One filled with roses and the other Chrysanthemums. She knew it wasn't chocolate candy forming a circle around the vases and the two paper gift bags. Luciano wasn't that plain.

Her hands came up to her mouth as she began to remember a time she was this happy.
They went out that day, a normal couple. He took her to a pasta-making class which was amusing but it was even better at night. They sat on the grass as if they had no risks, no problems but there were so many and yet that day, he put it to rest to give her a perfect date.

Why do Spanish women speak so fast when they're angry?" He had said and her mouth dropped.

"Spanish women?" He raised his eyebrow confused. "I am Latina Mr." She laughed but he shrugged saying, "Spanish"

She punched him softly, smacking her lips.

"There is a difference. Firstly, my original language is Portuguese. I learned Spanish and then English. I am Latin. Not Spanish though in a way Hispanic since it is identified with Spanish-speaking people. But I'm Latin!" She argued with an amused laugh.

"My apologies Mrs. Latina"

"Mrs. Rossi soon" She smiled as he hummed, leaning in and whispering, "I hope so"

His lips claimed hers with passion as did hers before his eyebrows furrowed and he pulled back. "You're Portuguese? "

She laughed out with a tear falling from her eye as she remembered the confusion on his face. What she cried about, even more, was when he claimed she would be Mrs. Rossi soon. Whaddya know? Her last name was Rossi but they weren't married. Luciano always, always told her he was going to marry her. He knew it. He knew that's what he wanted to do and she knew how serious he was. She knew she was the last woman Luciano would give his heart to. He didn't love just anyone and he chose her.

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