Chapter 2 - What's Broken can be Mended

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CLOSING the front door, Adriano's eyes trailed to the mounts of toys surrounding the carpet floor. Many, many toys all colors and varieties, mostly trucks.

He heard footsteps and Luciano appeared undressed, hearing the door being shut. He followed the mess on his floor and chuckled. "Tesoro and the boys left half an hour ago." He explained with a shrug as he made his way into the kitchen.
"They stayed longer than I thought. I know why you are looking at me like that. No, I am not dressed, I've been searching the entire house for my wallet"

His lips smacked as he closed the cabinet, not finding it there either. "The wallet with your ID, money, and credit cards correct?" Adriano snickered and Luciano rose his head as if to lecture him on how not amusing this is.
"Yes. However, I care less about that. My father gave me a number the last I saw him. He came across it when he was digging for leads. Hadn't been called for we wanted to listen together just in case it's our only opportunity. "

Adriano nodded, less concerned about the wallet but the phone number. "Where was the last you saw it? Your not exactly a person to lose things"

Sighing, Luciano closed his eyes to think. His wallet is always in his blazer. However he remembered getting home last night, he took it out and set it on the dresser. That was an hour before drunk Teresa arrived. Now it's missing.


He groaned. "Yesterday. It was on the dresser and I remembered seeing it when I put Tesoro there. I-" He paused once he heard Adriano's snicker. Oh yes, he did know what happens when Teresa's drunk.
"Maybe she would remember then? I mean she remembers everything else from last night. Well, she should if-" Luciano's eyes glared into his then an eyebrow rose.

"If you dare think to downplay my-" Adriano's hands rose in surrender with a chuckle. Fine, he'll get the number again from Lorenzo. "No" Luciano shook his head. "I have to find this number as well. What if it's called before I call and the lead is gone?"

Adriano hadn't thought about that and his troubled eyebrows furrowed. Well, they'll search the house once more together and then clear Teresa just in case she does have it. While Luciano went upstairs to call Teresa, Adriano searched downstairs.

* * *

"Stop running in the house!" Carter demanded as Luca chased Tino. They didn't listen and their giggles faded as they turned the corner into another room. Meanwhile, he was picking up their mess and toys.


He was mumbling to himself about how hard it is for children to keep the living room clean when he heard a phone ringing. Not just any ringing, a ringtone that only Teresa has.

Treasure by Bruno Mars. Which meant one person was calling, Luciano. Courtesy of the only name he calls her. Tesoro. Carter never in his life heard Luciano call her anything else.

Knowing Teresa was showering, he went upstairs to answer it. The second he heard Carter's voice, he was annoyed and demanded the phone be handed to his Tesoro. Carter smirked. "Oh yeah sure, she's just showering. One moment"

"I'll break your fucking hands and carve out your eyes if you dare" Luciano threatened. Carter was confident to know Luciano wouldn't have done it out of love for Teresa. Especially not now. He wouldn't do anything else to break their little fragile bond. Besides, Carter never feared standing up to Luciano. He knew Dons, knew how they worked, Luciano was different though. He was more brutal, but also more honorable than any other man. He was fair, except when it came to Teresa and his children.

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