Chapter 6-Push and Pull

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GIRLFRIEND, he says.

Teresa's eyes enlarged and she bit down on her lip. Dante's eyes slid to Teresa and as he lowered them, he saw her hand clawing at the table with her nails. This was bad.

What an idiot, Dante internally groaned.

"We've been seeing each other for a few months after the princess came home" He continued and as he spoke, he dared not to look the girl's way.

Dionne was either pretty clueless about the tension or she was choosing to ignore it. Either way, she was stupid to Teresa. How could she think tension this thick was good in a family like this? If Teresa were in her shoes, she would've chosen to leave before a bullet was in her.
"Hi. It's finally nice to meet you, Mr. Rossi. Your brother has told me a lot about you. I admit I was pretty intimidated by you, still is" She giggled as she held her hand out in greeting.

Luciano chuckled and he felt Teresa's rage therefore he chose not to move a muscle but nod. "It is nice to meet you, Dionne. As you can see my hands are full"

Oh, we're making jokes now? Teresa thought.

Dionne must've thought it funny as well as she nodded and retreated her hand introduces herself to Teresa. Could she not see her face? Was her resting bitch face not plastered? Or did Dionne ignore it?
"It is also a pleasure to meet the bride-to-be" She grinned as she held her own out.

Teresa's lowered towards it. On one hand, she thought to leave her hanging like Adriano left Nina. However, she felt Luciano's hold tighten and she knew he was demanding she not be rude, not cause a scene. Why not?

She sighed internally. She could put on her big girl panties, for now.

Dante watched as Teresa's hand left the table to clasp Dionne with a fake smile. "I see Adriano hadn't spoken of me much then? I wonder why" She pretended to giggle as she tilted, giving Adriano the death glare all the while smiling. That was bad.

When Dionne moved to her siblings and Nina, she smirked. She could keep her cool, even Nina, but Georgia was downright different. She saw Dionne's hand stretched out and looked at it rolling her eyes and saying, "Before I shake that hand and pretend everything is have one question. Did you know your-" She raised her fingers to air quote "Boyfriend" She continued, "was screwing my dear friend here?"

Dionne must've not known Adriano was bringing her to meet his every night woman because she took a step back the second Nina stood up. Georgia followed suit and then Teresa who was tugged by Luciano but she smacked his hand away.

Dionne was flustered as she stared at them and Nala moved near Rome in caution any drinks were to fly.

"Well yes," She said and Nala smacked her forehead.
"However, we weren't together then. Adriano was adamant and assured me that it was a pleasure thing only. Just sex. He realized he wanted this relationship so he's put his extracurricular activities to rest yes?" She turned to face him and he nodded.

"Yes of course"

Nina scoffed.
Just sex? A pleasure thing? He made her sound like some cheap skank. Some everyday whore. Is that how he saw her?

"Oh so fucking awesome. Just sex" She snapped at Adriano seeing the guilt in his eyes.

Dante chuckled lowly as he never had this kind of issue. Two women, one man, and then the friends? Unfortunately one of those friends was his boss's wife, in other words, he was fucked.

Adriano stepped forward in shield of Dionne as he noticed Teresa made her way to the girls. "Look, she did nothing wrong. Do not chaste her" He demanded.

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