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LUCA'S cute little high-pitched yell sang in her ears but her eyes called out to her heart. Luciano was smiling as he made his way to her with both of her babies in his arms. One on the left, the other on the right, and both stretching their arms out for her.

It made her cry instantly.

She stuttered and no coherent words were said as her eyes lowered once Luciano set them down. Then they both ran to her, attacking her legs and looking at her with big bright eyes that reflected what she communicated; they missed each other.

Luciano's hands slid into his pockets as he watched his crying heart crouch down to hug her kids. Adriano and Carter, all watched their interaction. Watched how Teresa clung the two to her body and kissed their heads and cried all at once. She couldn't stop telling them she loves them and they couldn't stop either.

They were relieved even as four-year-olds to see their mother again.

Teresa was smiling with a sniffle as she ran her fingers through Luca's hair. "It's growing so fast" She giggled and kissed his hair. Their hair was dark brown with shades lighter interspersed around like highlights. It was growing by the month and soon their hair would be to their little shoulders. Luciano smiled remembering how his hair was that long by the age of three however it was cut and ever since, he didn't allow his hair to grow out that long. It didn't fit him like Dante's long hair fit him.

Teresa's eyes rose and they made contact as she took a stand and the boys followed her to his side. "Padre!" Tino yelled at Luciano's waist causing him to look down. With an exaggerated groan making Tino giggle, he rose him to his waist once more.

Once upon a time, it was odd to carry a child in his arms even though he did so with his nephew but it was his child. His son.

"When did you do this?" Teresa whispered smiling as she saw Carter whisking Luca into the air like an airplane. Tino laid his head on Luciano's shoulder and she smiled laying her hand over his back.

"I called in a favor." Was his answer. "Made it seem like kidnapping as a screen for our children. Neither was seen I assure you"

His other hand seized around her waist and pulled her snugly against his chest. It felt good. Teresa would've said thank you but his response was predictable. No need because they too were his children. "They've expressed their want for food" He chuckled and made her giggle to see the brightness in his eyes.

Before, the stress consumed those irises. Not only stress about the war but worry about their relationship. Now it seemed it was just a pocket of air. It would return later but nothing could bring their mood down when their boys were there.

She nodded her head. "Where to?"

Luca came running behind them hearing her question and he yelled. "Tesoros!"

She faced Luciano with a shocked face. "I may have told them about it. After all, their birthday is soon, and what place is better?"

She liked that idea but they were in Italy weren't they? Atlanta was thousands of miles away. "You want to take them to Atlanta?" The question was a shocker and he knew it. Besides Brazil, Italy was the only place they were allowed and that was within Luciano's border limit and travel due to the enemies surrounding them. Then the island was their safe home. Why the encouragement to move them now?

Luciano chuckled as he felt her fingers crawling over his chest and his hand slid down to the small of her back. "Where do you think you are now?"

Her eyelashes lifted as her eyes grew and turned around to search the building but it seemed like a normal warehouse to her.

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