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Teresa's teeth gritted as she threw her body's strength into the big punching bag before her. Hard-working sweat covered her body, gliding down her forehead but she didn't stop. Not even when her back threatened to give out, her arm threatened to burst the stitches.

Only three days later and a few hours ago was she sliced by a pocket knife, slammed into a countertop, and given stitches and pain medicine. Was she supposed to put tension on her stitches? No.

She hasn't seen Luciano around today which made her think he left without informing her but why wouldn't he? She would make another excuse for him to stay another day. The first excuse was she couldn't shower without his help. The second, she just wanted to lay in bed with the pain all over her body. The third, he was preventing her from giving another but stayed another day anyway just to assure she was healing okay. She could've showered by herself, but hey, she didn't want him to go.

His plans were pushed back three days which meant she made it longer until he would return.

Since the morning, she threw herself into working out. Luciano would kill her if he knew she was harming her stitches but with all the gauze, tape, and bandages around her arm, she doubt she would've felt it.

Hearing the womanly grunts, Dante followed her nose to the gym inside their home. His eyebrow rose as she reigned her arm back for another punch but stopped midway as she saw him.

She huffed. Dante walked in wearing loose gym shorts and a loose tank top that covered almost nothing with no sleeves. Of course, he would wear that. He chuckled as he folded his arms, his biceps flexing. She saw his bare upper body once, but Dante was too handsome not to look at.

Anyways, she rolled her eyes.
"If you're here, that means Luciano's gone. Which means I won't see him for another week" She groaned as she balled her fist again.

She threw it, he caught it in his hand. "You're releasing frustration for sure but if you continue to do it like that, you'll break your hand" He eyed the tape and she huffed as he grabbed it. Of course, she should've used it but people won't use tape when they're throwing a fist at her will they? "When did he leave? He didn't tell me" She sighed.

I wonder why he internally chuckled.

"Luciano's off in the air by now Teresa" He switched her hand and she balled her fist repeatedly, it felt different. "Well did he bring a guard? I think you should've been there. You're the best we got aren't you?"

Dante smirked at the compliment. It didn't take rocket science for Teresa to know that. Luciano hired him from an entirely different country, maybe the state. It didn't matter, Dante was personally reached out to, he was the best. " I am the best Teresa" He agreed and pushed her hand down.
"Which is why I'm stuck with you" He teased which earned him a punch to the shoulder.

"Why are you here?" She breathed out and he watched her sit down on the bench, grabbing her bottle no doubt filled with some sort of protein smoothie.

"Teresa I train every morning before I see you" Her eyes bulged. Everyday? But isn't that unhealthy? She didn't ask, she was sure he knew what was good or bad for his body. After all, look at those muscles.

She nodded. "That explains the bulging veins through your skin" Dante's eyebrows furrowed and when he looked down at his arm, he saw them. The veins. She laughed out when his eyes rose to hers. Then he smirked. "I thought it made me sexier. Isn't that what the women say?"

Her eyes rolled and they rose to his scar. He knew she was looking at it and grinned. "You found out your best friend gave it to me. Yeah, he's good with a blade. Would've taken out my eye if I hadn't been quick on my feet."

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now