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TERESA'S eyes opened as she awoke in an empty bed. She felt Luciano's lack of presence a few hours ago so she wasn't surprised when she looked to check if his arms were wrapped around her and they weren't.

She rolled to her back with a stress-free sigh. A new day, still in Atlanta, in her home and Luciano had plans for today.

Her eyes stared at the ceiling as she thought about her interaction with her mother yesterday. She may have been overwhelmed to see her, even afraid and maybe just a bit happy after all this time but that was until she saw it for what it was. Her mother just wanted her money—correction, Luciano's money that's technically hers by law as well. His bank account is hers.

Still, her mother was the last of her worries. That house though? It was much bigger than theirs and that was mainly because Italian mansions were built differently and at the time she didn't live with Luciano so she understood why he preferred a smaller house but now? Mark her words, they will build the biggest house for her, Luciano, her children, Carter, her siblings, and Nina to stay in. Like a huge family and if Dante chose to stick around, she will have a room for him.

Speaking of Dante, she remembered how she practically acted like his mother rebuking him yesterday. She was angry and she knew he was making her feel guilty. She needed to apologize.

As she grabbed her phone from the nightstand to call him, she halted as she heard a faint groan in the house.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she felt she heard wrong. Was Adriano there?
Good, he can make her breakfast.

She smiled as she got out of her bed realizing again, that Luciano dressed her in one of his white fancy dress shirts. Only this time she wore white laced panties.

Classy Luciano, she shook her head amused.

Once out of her room, she walked down the hallway of two rooms. Opened one door and it was empty so she slowly pushed open the other.

She saw a back first and then she knew it wasn't Adriano.

It was only one man she knew with carnal back muscles and colored tats etched all over his skin.


His masked tattoo practically stared straight into her soul, she wondered why he chose that as a tattoo.

Her eyes slid up to the tips of his hair touching his shoulder blades. She grinned. He hated his hair fully out but slept that way? She couldn't help but grin at the image of his future woman playing with his loose tendrils.

Dante's hair wasn't as long as hers which ran down her waist but at his shoulders and a little past. His curls weren't as defined as hers either but since her cut and the silk press she had in disguise as her character, Mireia, her curls hadn't been the same since. However, they were still beautiful and she loved them.

A thought came to her as she saw the pillow behind him. Slowly, she tiptoed around and grabbed it. She moved to his side of the bed where he rolled over, his arms cuddling the pillow with his face smudged into it. She nearly giggled. He slept like a big baby.

She rose the pillow high as he sighed and abandoned the pillow to lay on his back.

Before she could deliver the blow, his mouth moved with the words, "I dare you"

She halted in shock as his eyes fluttered open. He groaned and his voice was husky, deep, and groggily making him sound even deeper and sexier.
"You planned to attack me with a pillow?"

She stared at him still shocked. "How in the hell—"

He snatched the pillow and tossed it as he brushed his hair from his face. The act reminded her of the many times she's done it herself and every other man she's interacted with which was Luciano, Adriano, Rome, and her father but never Dante. "My purpose is to protect you. Do you think I sleep deeply?"

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now