The End!

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THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING BOOK TWO! There will be a book Three and I'm thinking of a four for the twins too.

Before we get into more, I have a question that I'm thinking hard on. We can all agree the chemistry between Dante and Teresa is there despite her wanting to put an end to it and stick with Luciano. Which she did. But c'mon, it's not like feelings can't be returned or evoked again. So shall I keep Teresa's storyline with Luciano only as his wife? I mean they've been through enough hardships to finally be husband and wife am I right?

But I also want her to finally move on to something that I think would probably be healthier and safer which is with Dante who is a good man too and he made her a changed woman in a good way. He's healthy for her.


Which one?

Stay with Luciano or be with Dante instead?

Now we can summarize.
Teresa and Luciano go through a big rough patch in their relationship and while that is happening, Teresa is getting close and hot with the big, sexy bodyguard Dante Russo which in my opinion, is my favorite character so far because duh! He's an assassin and he's ripped AF.

He's not just a body of muscles and guns though right?

So even though Dante is in love with her, Teresa's commitment is to Luciano so they are working on their relationship and they defeat their enemies.

That's when the alliance between Santino and Luciano is revealed. Luciano would help Santino get rid of his traitors in return Santino helped rid Laura who was against him and using him this entire time. She thought he was stupid, but guess who is the fool now huh?

Teresa and Luciano finally get married, have a baby boy named Dante Isiah Rossi, in honor of her two favorite men.

When Teresa was most vulnerable, an enemy tried poisoning her(wasn't shown in the book). Once Luciano finds out that the enemy was a Scillian, he wants to flee the house knowing how smart they were and probably had their location. But Teresa is already "dead". The mark on her arm made Luciano think the poison wasn't in a drink but in her Iv drips which it should've been if Dante had not figured it out first (also wasn't shown yet) and saved Teresa.

They give Teresa a funeral and Dante kills her attempted murders because hello, they attempted to kill her. When he gets into the car, Teresa is there and it is revealed Teresa isn't dead and the only person who knows that is Dante, the man who saved her and planned her fake death. Now they are leaving Italy to keep her safe while they conjure their plan to end those Scillians.

I guess we can tell what the next book is going to be about and guess what, Dante Russo will be a MAJOR character in it as well as Santino.

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