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LUCIANO groaned as he rubbed his forehead. He remembered the first time she ever made an issue of her body.

It was the first day she awoke in Italy. He scrutinized her body and all he thought was what a woman she was.

"Men hate stretch marks. I'll try my best to exercise more or something". She had said.

It wasn't just stretch marks but she felt conflicted as a twenty-two-year-old woman having so much body. Women often were jealous and as a man who thought he knew taste in everything, knew perfection when he saw it, he made sure she saw what he did. She was younger then. Easier to persuade, and he was grateful he could make her see what he saw but now, he couldn't.

He hated that but he knew it didn't matter how anyone saw you, it was your eyes that did the judging.

With that in mind, he sighed in defeat as he gently pulled her arm and hugged her. He kissed her forehead in comfort as she sniffled and a shaky breath was released. "You know I hate when you talk of yourself this way. Tesoro, it makes me feel I am not doing my job as your husband to assure you, that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on. Better than beautiful, than sexy and divine. All the synonyms are not enough to describe you."

He held her tighter as he heard her sniffle again and inside she was smiling because she loved him so much. Her fingers curled into his hair as she whispered, "You do. I promise you to make me feel so special to be yours. And I love you so much and I'm grateful I have a man to constantly tell me and show me because I know a lot of men in the world don't do that."

He rolled his eyes at the mention of those bastards. What man fails to show his woman how she looks in his eyes? "But I just-" He shushed her before she continued and nodded as he lowered his cheek atop of her head.

"Exercise and eat healthier. I'm not allowing you to do surgery unless it's a last resort."

Teresa was relieved to hear he finally listened. That he was going to support her. That's what she wanted.
"Your self-esteem is important to me. I'll always see you perfect because I love you so I'm biased. But whatever you need Tesoro, I will provide. Even if it's just my word of support, I'll give you it all"

He raised her chin and used his thumb to wipe under her eyes as they stared into one another's. "I'm sorry" He apologized. Sorry for all those times he made her feel dismissed.

Teresa couldn't help but crack a giggle. Luciano was so different because of therapy. He was softer than usual. The Luciano she met, was always adamant about things, he put his foot down and refused to lift it even for a second. Though when he told her he loved her she saw a small peek of his soft interior, he never showed it on the outside because of all his Don standards and nonsense but now, he was always open to her. At least as much as he could be.

She lifted to her toes and his lips descended into hers as if apologizing to them. As if loving her, caressing her, and cherishing her all in that one kiss.

She sighed as he pulled away and lowered his eyes to her delighted nakedness. "What I need right now is a strong drink" She giggled and his eyebrow rose to wonder why. Her hand slid up his chest as she made this small sexy sound. "So I can come home and ride you all day"

He laughed out, his head thrown back at her boldness, and rubbed her shoulders as he shook his head. "You don't need a drink to do that Tesoro." She began to giggle as she felt on his chest but a small frown began to appear as she remembered they were in the no-sex zone for now. Snagging her attention, he kissed her long and hard and even massaged her ass while his tongue sexed her mouth, a reminder of what was waiting of course.

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now