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DANTE lay there, on the cold ground remembering the way he kissed her. Remembering the way he lied to her.

You will always be okay in my hands

He once told her. I guess he broke that promise and he didn't break promises, he hated to. A promise was a vessel of trust and without upholding that vow, where was his honor? Honor to her? To himself?

She came for him. Cried, hurt for him. Done the hardest thing ever, she killed for him and now he was the one left, she was taken.

Not even that, he was putting her sacrifice in vain. He could die and her risk was for nothing. If only he could make it to the car but he couldn't. His body had given out and he waited for hell to take him.

He wished he could see her once more though. His eyes closed with a sigh.

"Stop here!" Adriano yelled as he saw the car Teresa stole. The house was lit with lights as they jumped out, armed and ready. His eyes lowered to the door wide open and the man laying on the ground before it.
"Check the house!" He yelled as he ran to him.

He didn't like the guy, but Teresa cared for him. Loved him and as Adriano turned Dante over, he breathed in relief. He was alive. "Luciano!" He shouted out and pulled Dante to a sit.
"Teresa " He rasped.

Luciano crouched down. "You need a hospital "

Dante shook his head. Then he pushed Adriano. "Juan" He coughed. He turned over with a harsh cough and spat blood on the ground. "They're meeting in New York"

Luciano took a stand. "If they left, they are already on a jet back home. I will never make it"

Dante groaned. "Laura is coming here." In other words, they weren't getting on a jet back home. "The jet is just a bluff," He said.

Luciano's jaw ticked. "We're getting you to the hospital," He said. He nodded at Adriano who tossed Dante's arm over his shoulder. "One more thing"

Luciano turned around with an arched eyebrow. "Laura is playing Moretti. She's not with him, she's with Juan"

Dante knew had he heard what Juan said. That Laura would kill him for his death. Him personally and the way he spoke her name. That wasn't respected in his rank. They addressed her differently, he had not. If he knew one thing about Laura, she took the role of a Queen in every way possible.

Luciano rounded the rest of the men up knowing they wouldn't find anything else. "There is only one black spot a jet can land anywhere near here." He said. Just as he did, he often kept his landing out of everyone's sight. No one would know because he used black spots. Laura and Santino would do the same and there was only one of those nearby. And it had a good warehouse.

* * * 

The door opened and Juan placed the towel down coated in Teresa's blood. There was a scratch and purple bruise from his fist and from the concrete due to his assault. He brushed his thumb against her cheek, her skin was once flawless, and he destroyed it. He grinned as her face twitched in a small wince but her eyes had not opened.

His eyes lowered to her hair as he sunk his fingers through her tendrils, skimming and gently touching her scalp. She bled there. His fault as well. "A pretty little thing" He whispered.

She lay sprawled across his lap and his fingers began to slowly skim her skin. Her thighs, her stomach where her shirt lifted. 

She was beautiful, no wonder she had Luciano by the balls. As well as her Capo and her bodyguard but that's all she was. A cute ass and pair of tits.

His eyes lowered to them bunching in her shirt. She wore no bra, he saw her nipples prodding. He couldn't help himself as he gazed at her face for a reaction as he thumbed her nipples and grasped her breast in his hand. So soft. She only stirred. He rose her shirt just a bit more, uncovering her stomach and he grazed it with his knuckles. Not even Laura could beat this woman's body, she was too damn sexy. Maybe it was because Laura was a troubled soul and it messed everything up for her.

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