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ADRIANO and Luciano were on their way to "deliver" the news to Laura. The news is she gets to live another month.

Laura and Teresa were already there, staring each other down, Santino and Dante beside the women, also staring one another down. Laura's eyes fled to the two men walking towards them, Luciano lowering his head to briefly kiss Teresa which inside was pissing her off. Shaking jealousy, she flipped her hair as she glanced at Teresa. "Next time, love"

Then glanced at Luciano. "See you in another month or two?" She smiled as if she just weren't on the verge of tears at the thought of her man trading her away. Luciano gave Santino props for bravely standing beside the woman to cause his downfall. Took a lot of balls to tell him no, especially when yes was best.

Chuckling, Luciano nodded as he took a step forward closer to her knowing that she would inch closer to him as well. She did and nearly left Santino's arms until he pulled her close into his body. Luciano's gentle eyes penetrated hers full of longing and want. "May I?" He whispered as his eyes dropped to her stomach.

As expected, Laura's smile widened and she nodded and bit her lip. Teresa rolled her eyes. How pathetic was she? Luciano placed his hand over her stomach and her eyes closed regardless of who was watching.
"How far?" He asked and as if she was in some sort of love spell, she answered a little breathlessly.
"Three months"

Teresa smirked as Dante rolled his eyes, the two thinking the same. How Luciano is toying with her.
He leaned forward closer to her ear as he grinned asking, "Children are wonderful miracles aren't they?"

She nodded and almost inched her hand over his if Santino wasn't standing there. "Such a shame you cursed yours then?" His tone hardened and her eyes opened just as his warmth left her stomach and she gaped at his smirk. Returning to Teresa's side, he seized her waist, tugging her closer into his body.

"I'll see you soon Laura. You can see your way out" He nodded towards Santino.

During the ride back home, Teresa noticed the pensive, deep grave look he and Adriano shared. No matter how many times she questioned if they were okay, she got the same response from them both. They were fine and only planning their next move. It was bullshit, she knew.

Not because it wasn't convincing, but because they gave the same response which meant it was only a cover. A terrible one that both of them thought was good.

She would've demanded the truth, after all, Luciano spoke of integrity back there and yet refused to give her some. However, the words lodged into her throat once she noticed they weren't pulling into their home building, but a much bigger gate that encircled a huge white mansion. It could've been a luxurious spa the way water fountains were lined up. There were gorgeous statues of women displaying their beauty. The grass was trimmed and two patches of beautiful red gardens on either side of the stairs trailed down.  Slowly, they rode up the pavement and Luciano noticed Teresa's reverential eyes wandering in admiration.

The drive-in led into a circle, with small bushes surrounding the water fountain in the center.

She couldn't believe her eyes, her home wasn't this fancy. However, Italian homes were luxurious in a different way but this would've been at the top of her dream home list if she continued to live in Atlanta. The roof was blue, the entire home white looking like a royal palace.

So beautiful.

Where were they? Most importantly where were the owners because she just had to compliment them on their home?

They're a million-dollar mansion because she was sure that's what it cost. She heard her door open, realizing they'd stopped and Luciano was on the outside with his hand out for her. "Oh my God Luciano, this place is so beautiful" She exclaimed as she stepped out with his hand in hers.

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