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Laura's chest heaved in an erratic rhythm as she breathed heavily at the thought of going to the ball. Santino who was laughing at a joke turned around to realize his woman's condition and immediately he tended to her. She was nervous. "Laura I know you're nervous, do you want to step out for air?"

He already signaled for the driver to pull over and she nodded her head and grabbed his arm, his hand sliding into hers for comfort. She stepped out and began to pace while fanning herself. "It's hot isn't it?" She breathed out, wiping the fictive sweat from her forehead.

Laura would never sweat five minutes before standing before a crowd she needed to impress. It's not as if she had never been to one of these events, just the first one without...


"Baby it will be okay"

She spun around in a swift to yell at him. "Stop saying that!" She's sick of it. No one ever reassured her as much as Santino did and she wasn't sure if she hated how concerned he was or love him for it. It's so different having to feel like a softie. It's just the hormones, internally she claimed.

She felt his arms encircle her slowly before they clasped together into her own. "Laura" He hadn't whispered this time, his voice was firm as if forcing her to get a grip but he only knew soothing her was increasing her nervousness. Laura understood authority and dominance more than anything.

From the right man.

She began to settle but not completely in his arms and consequently become a puddle. "Laura, Luciano is no threat. None. Not to us. You cannot show his power over you. It's a weakness" His hand squeezed hers tighter and her eyes fell to alert as she realize he wasn't attempting to comfort her at all. His lips lowered to her ear. " Tighten the fuck up" 

She pushed away from him in an instant, but he tugged her back not to make a scene for bypassers. When did Santino speak to her like this? She wouldn't take a man's disrespect. "Santino I don't know who you think you are but—"

"Laura" He groaned as if she was a bug he wanted to squash with his designer shoes. "Today is not the day to fuck up."

He turned her in his arms to brush her hair away and she was taken aback by how quickly his attitude changed towards her. His eyes were soft now. "Any other day, I would love to spend all my time comforting you, and make you feel better, but I cannot look bad. We cannot look bad. You know that just as much as I do"

He stared into her eyes, searching into her orbs for understanding and she received the message loud and clear. She was a Don's woman once, so she knew exactly how one's weakness reflected the other's.
"We will look united. The absence of marriage is terrible on my part already. We will go in there, make connections and gain some allies."

This was the first Laura ever needed a pep talk, he was prepping her for the event and it felt like hell in her head. She was always so strong but never without Luciano. Never in front of hundreds of others who are just as happy to take her spot and Santino's. She was pissed at herself for making him do this. For feeling as if he had to.

She nodded her head with a swallow. "Yes," She whispered, his eyebrow-raising and she cleared her throat and walked up to him to cup his face.
"Yes, we'll get richer and more powerful together baby. A Don is as strong as his Queen and I know what's at stake. I know and I'm ready for it."

She searched his eyes but he wasn't convinced, he hadn't attempted to hide that. She breathed out and clasped his jaw in her fingers, bringing his lips down to hers.

As he breathed out at first contact, she felt the tension in his muscles fade away. The tension became something else entirely as she was held against the car door with Santino's hands sliding down her ass. She giggled as he squeezed her but pressed a hand against his chest to remind him this was not the time or place.

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now