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FOR a few minutes, Emilio and Lorenzo laughed. It was forced, every second passed, Lorenzo glanced out the window. He timed every second Emilio's guards switched their spots but when one left, another took over just as instant.

But he could no longer hold the wide smile on his face so he didn't. He just stared. Started at the man he thought was strong, thought respectable but was only a coward in disguise.

He set his beer down. While he was stuck on his first one, Emilio ordered another two for himself. His eyes rose. "Is it not to your liking?"

Lorenzo nodded and his phone vibrated with a call from Luciano. His son still watched him. Not because he didn't trust him, but because he didn't trust Emilio. If his mother was first, would his father be next? Lorenzo hoped with every bone and vein in his body that Nora was safe. That Adriano was home with her and Teresa, laughing and watching a ridiculous show or movie that she wouldn't stop running her mouth about later to Gemma. That's what she did. He was tired of it normally but he would give anything for it to continue.

He pressed decline and slid his phone back with an exasperated sigh. One Emilio thought it was an indication to wrap things up for the night so he could get a night's sleep but he was tired of Emilio's cowardice.  "All this time, I thought we had a fair amount of respect for one another. That's what you've led me with Emilio"

Emilio's grin seemed to fade as he lowered the bottle from his lips and to the table with a clear of the throat.
"Of course, you were a fair Don in the days." He smiled.
"But so was Dominici and yet Luciano killed him"

His eyes hardened and his cover was blown. Emilio had been made. " He was like a son to me and yet, I chose to be cordial with the father of his murder"

Lorenzo tilted his head and wanted to laugh. Cordial? Plotting his ex-wife's death was cordial? After speaking of her earlier as if he was interested in their relationship. No wonder he was. He hadn't gotten the memo, they were married no longer.

Lorenzo's finger tightened around his gun. "What are you doing Emilio?"

The question was asked and by Lorenzo's tone, it seemed he felt betrayed or even hurt and fooled. Had he given this man too much credit? He wasn't a man at all. Emilio's eyes noticed the slight movement in Lorenzo's hand and it caused him to sigh.

"It seems you already know"

He said right before the two men sprung from their chairs, both holding and pointing the barrel of their weapons at one another. Emilio smirked. "If you knew all this time why stall?" Lorenzo asked.

He had the phone call many minutes ago and even though he felt Lorenzo's change of mood, his tension, he sat there and continued to plaster smiles and smirks on his face. Amusement and happiness in his eyes. He knew.

Emilio shrugged. "So my son has enough time to rid Luciano of his men"

Lorenzo's expression hasn't changed. Of course, he ambushed them. "Distracted me, called me out here all so you could get to her" Emilio nodded but his smirk was gone.
"Well played "

Emilio's eyes began to lower as if he had not wanted to betray a respectable man, one loyal to him in their times as Don. One who hadn't tossed him aside because of their children. "One of us will die Emilio"

He nodded. "It comes down to who will pull the trigger first"

Lorenzo smirked as he noticed Luciano. He had not slid his eyes away to give up his son's spot but as he lowered his gun, Emilio's eyebrow rose. "Go on"

His jaw ticked but Lorenzo knew no matter how hard he fought it, he would accept living with regret. So he pulled it, just as Luciano did.

Emilio's eyes widened and his blood fled from his mouth as he sunk to his knees, the gun spilling from his hand as did his being from his stomach. He coughed out. "Father?"

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