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HANDING Teresa a robe, Luciano turned the shower off as he wrapped a towel around his waist and led her to the bed.

He could tell her mood was hype after what he had just given her. A huge orgasm followed by many more.

Sometimes Teresa thought Luciano wasn't even a human. Who could do that? Finger fuck her, use a vibrator on her clit and suck on her body everywhere else? Oh and the finishing touch! He sucked her bud hard and demanded she didn't let go which was extremely hard to do and proved a failure because she did.

Her legs were jelly after that and he bathed her and kissed her in the shower and they were back in the romantic dream of a room. He continued to stand while she sat down and stared at him. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her again before handing her the gift bag he knew she was bursting with excitement to open.

The first thing she pulled out was a book, the title saying 'What I love about Us'. She bit her lip and glanced at him before opening it. It was shaped like a scrapbook with a hard cover but it was slimmer like a normal book and with a lot of pages. Almost like a diary with a locket. As her eyes read she realized they were questions.

One of them said, 'I love that you taught me to appreciate...' and she was supposed to answer it.

"I'm aware you may think you've seen this before but I assure you I wouldn't get you something as childlike and simple as that. This book has real questions, about you and what you like about us and me as your husband. There are scriptures and paragraphs inside that have deep and spiritual meanings to them. You can highlight and fill the questions or even just read it if it soothes you." He flipped the page and it was blank but it was supposed to be a picture of her favorite moment of them.
"I hope one day you are willing to show it to me" He whispered.

She gave him a look and raised her hand for him to lean down and kiss her sweetly. "Don't thank me yet" He grinned. She grabbed the next book and instantly shrieked when she read the cover. Rossi Recipes.
"Yes, the recipes, at least the common ones. I could not risk the major dishes" He claimed but she didn't care. Still, there were really good dishes in there. Dishes in Portuguese that she couldn't wait to try and others try again. "This will be kept locked in a safe of course but I wanted to bring the restaurant here home one day. As you know I enjoy cooking for you" His grin widened.

She couldn't stop smiling at him. He gestured for the mini bag and she took out her gift. It was a small pack. Unwrapping it, it was to pack inside. One was black the other grey but one was shaped into a mini pouch. The other was a deck of cards.

One of the grey cards read 'I am healing and strengthening every day'

A few of the cards were blank saying an affirmation could be written down. As she continued to look through them in awe reading through the affirmations fast, she came across one of the blank ones.

At least she thought it was blank but it was written saying, 'You are special, no one can tell you otherwise'
She smiled because it was in his handwriting. Fancy and cursive, she giggled. He leaned down to peck her cheek. "I know how big affection is to you Tesoro and it is important you have affirmations not only as an individual to get you through the day but from me as well. You may feel neglected and every day when you wake up, there will be a card with my written affirmation so you know I am always thinking about you. It's as if I'm in person saying it"

Teresa's eyes began to burn with tears. This was all so sweet and it was thoughtful and it meant so much to her. "You have one more," He said as he wiped the corner of her eye and handed her the small gift bag.

The last item was a candle.

She held it under her nose to smell and smiled. Lavender of course. He wouldn't get her anything else.
She twisted the big candle and there was a word on it and definitions.

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