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STARING into the mirror of her sweet, naughty reflection, Teresa clung another 18k white gold and deep blue Lapis Lazuli-colored diamonds on her ears. They hung down, twisted, and spun in the light. A coquettish grin sprawled across her face.

She stared at the reflection of a Fatale.

Then she heard the thumping of heels running upstairs with her squealing best friend and sister moments before they slammed the bathroom door open and ran inside. "Teresa you have to—"

Nina stopped short as Teresa faced her. Her hand gracefully fell to her hip as the girls assessed her head to toe, their eyes dilating the further their eyes ran across her curves, she exposed thighs, down to her white-painted feet wrapped in elegant silver stilettos. The cascade of diamonds was pure and luminous on her skin tone.

By their reactions, Teresa felt like a sensuous, untouchable, and irresistible woman that would capture men's attention, make their jaws drop, and their knees to the ground to beg for what they could not have. Not even touch. Sight was a reward. A living, walking aphrodisiac for intolerable dogs. 

Finally, their jaws reattached to their faces once more and Nina hollered. "Holy shit! Luciano is going to murder you!" Georgia's hand came up to her mouth as if a sexy male stripper was dancing too close to her face. And she liked it. 

Of course, Luciano was going to lose his shit, that was the goal of course.

Teresa though pretended to shrug as she faced the mirror again, pulling and rearranging her fluffy brown tendrils. Her hands ran down the sides of the blue mesh fabric, a reminder of Luciano losing his shit. Wanted him to be so insanely infuriated with her, that later he'll convert that pent-up energy into something erotic, punishing, and debauched.

How could he not when her body looked like this? The mesh fabric revealed her soft, and glowing skin all around her body. Her waist, stomach, ass. She wore blue sexy underwear for a bonus.

"You like?" She smiled seductively at them, her hands cupping her breasts which had also been mesh fabric covered with diamond patchwork in place.

"Hell yes bitch!" Georgia finally found the words to speak, the words to express. Nodding, she picked up the last finishing touch. Lip gloss. As she placed the last finishing touch on her lips just as she heard a faded male voice and came in Carter peeking over the door before his entire body was in the doorway.

Georgia's eyes assessed him first. Casually, before dropping sensually. Shirtless, and just like Teresa, Georgia loved a man with enough hair trailing down.
"Wow, you both look..." Georgia's head tilted awaiting his response and he smirked seeing she wanted it.

"Good" He finished, staring at her then Nina, and then his eyes boldened as he found Teresa's. He invited himself in and just like Nina and Georgia, he trailed her head to toe then his mouth opened.

Then it closed and instead a smirk appeared.

"Wanting to go show off what men can look at but can't have? It's a death wish you know" That's what she wasn't expecting. She laughed.

"I'm just saying Luciano kills men for looking at his woman the wrong way. Bodies will be dropping Princessa" The words that dripped from his lips only satiated her confidence.


A Queen, she mentally corrected but she was passive to his endearment and instead took a step forward and he took one back. Repeated until they both were out into the room staring at each other. "I look beautiful then? Is what you're trying to say but not quite reaching the word"

Cocky much? He mentally questioned but chuckled as he shook his head in response. "Beautiful is a word for innocent dolls, meanwhile you looking as if you are up to no good tonight." 

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