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ONE day passed and Teresa was yet again on their bed and singing, chanting Luciano's name over and over again. Another day passed and they were sharing their thoughts if they were to have a girl. They were good thoughts, pleasant but the next day, Luciano was gone. Their bed was empty without his presence and it only prolonged yet another day.

Day four.

She was slanted against the couch with a bowl of cereal in her hand. Fruity pebbles were her favorite. The news was on as she stared at the flat screen upon their wall.

Since Luciano's departure, she made it an obligation to watch but today's news was shocking and she turned it up, leaning forward with interest.

A strip club in Milan had been shot up as the reporter claimed. Twenty civilians were brutally harmed and seven were found dead. One had been recognized as a close associate of the Moretti family. They believed it was a mob conflict and when they handed the mic to the club owner, he confirmed everything.

A mob war with Milan's opponent being Don of Rome, Don Luciano Rossi.

The man stared in front of the camera as he took a gulp of fear and said, "I was told to say, Don Rossi sends his regards"

Adriano was walking downstairs, buttoning his shirt when Teresa muted them, her eyes snapping to him. His eyes rose to the screen as he saw the club owner standing like a deer in headlights in front of thousands of people watching the news. His eyes flickered to hers with a grin.

The Tv flashed off and as she stomped past him with a huff, he rolled his eyes circling the kitchen counter.
"Word needed to get out to prevent as many innocent deaths as possible"

Despite him taking one yesterday.

"Look, people will most likely remain at home and away from the damage" He explained and she tossed her bowl in the sink in a whatever kind of way. He wasn't sure if she was pissed or accepting.

"Are you going back out today?"

"No," He said as he watched her jump onto the counter and he moved near her, a few inches distant from between her legs as he brushed her hair from her face. "They will expect me to still be in Milan watching them"

"Why aren't you?"

"Dante is out there with the second command. Whatever is happening there is Santino's doing. I'm not needed" In other words, they didn't need two spies.

"And Luciano?" She huffed as she pulled him close to adjust his collar and button the rest of him up. She knew where he went, but would he be safe?

"He'll be fine"

Adriano wasn't just saying that. He knew so. Luciano could escape any situation he could. He would run if it meant he could make it back to Teresa and their children. His eyes brightened at the mention of children, remembering the conversation he and Luciano had before his leave.

" So... Another baby?" He grinned.

* * *

" Dammit! " Santino yelled as he tossed the remote into the TV. Laura halted filing her nails to look at the crack he put into it and rolled her eyes.

"My business is being sabotaged. My fucking shipments are being blown up killing my men and my Capo. What's fucking next?" He snarled as he rose from his chair.

"Look at this shit. It's all over the news! My families won't fucking approve of this. I have to do something quickly to make it hurt."

His hands slid up his face with a frustrated groan. He seemed to be taking all the losing shots. Why is Luciano making so many moves at him? So quickly when he's hardly touched his city? "I wish I knew what was next"

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