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Once the song was over, Teresa was slamming herself against the couch, laying her head on his lap as she asked, "How did I do?" She smiled. Her eyes began to close and he lowered his eyes with a smirk as he brushed her hair and said, "Perfect"

Truth but she groaned and smacked his hand away claiming he and Luciano were sulk ups.
"Well, he's in love of course. That's what he does" He teased and placed his coat over her exposed body. It was much of a distraction.

Her eyes began to slowly open her hand raised to curl her fingers around his jaw. It was such a tender move. "Hey... I know when you're down. Talk to me" She smiled and he grabbed her hand with a bemused laugh.

"Talk to you? Teresa, you are tipsy. You can't even keep your eyes open" She giggled with a nod that said she was aware of her state right now. Sort of. She rose to straddle him and cupped his face before she laid hers on his shoulder and her hand caressed his skin.
"I... I won't remember" She giggled as her hand slid down his face.

He tilted his head as he felt her breathing against his neck and felt her hand sliding into his shirt laying over his chest. "You know I love you OCF" She grinned as she lifted her head and placed it back down as if she couldn't hold it straight. He chuckled as her hand slid back up his shoulder not realizing she was tantalizing every single nerve.

OCF, Overprotective close friend. He chuckled, what an awful name he allowed her to make.

But she had a point. She wouldn't remember and he had to get it off his chest before the opportunity passed. He noticed she was beginning to fall asleep and the last thing he needed right now was to carry her through a bunch of people.

He cupped her face, brushing her hair behind her ear as he lifted her head. "Hold off on sleep for one second for me?" He whispered and she nodded as he helped her to a stand. Once she zipped up his jacket and grabbed her heels, he put his arm around her and lowered it to whisper in her ear.

Teresa gained some energy during the ride. He had the girls to thank for that and the alcohol they stole from the club. Slurring, Teresa stumbled out of the car with a giggle as she saw the guards planted in front of the building. "Hey!" She shouted out but they didn't glance at her.

She walked up to them and smiled. "You guys take your job very seriously huh?"

Dante rolled his eyes as he saw her from the car talking to the guards who weren't giving her any mind. After allowing the driver to take off, Dante saw Teresa standing on her tippy toes to touch the man's hair. She almost fell until the guard grabbed her arm gently to stable her. "Aww thanks" She patted his shoulder and Dante smirked as he saw the small smile the guard gave her.

Once he saw Dante, he became stoic again.
"C'mon Teresa" He slid his hands underneath her thighs.

While he carried her upstairs, she was too busy pulling his hair out of his bun and it came down his shoulders making him groan.

When Luciano opened the door, Dante was huffing and he chuckled but his eyes enlarged once Teresa jumped out of Dante's arms and on him. She kissed him sloppily, shoving her tongue and pressing him forward so hard she was pushing him back. "I am so ready" She whispered on his lips as she tossed Dante's coat off her shoulders.

Dante looked away with a chuckle as Luciano cupped her face. "Ready for bed then? You need rest" He chuckled. Just like Dante, swooped her in his arms and led her to the room where she began pouting.

"No. No, I need you" She pouted as he attempted to lay her down but she held on and he chuckled as he crashed on her.
"I need you to Tesoro but not now. Get some rest for me yes?" He briefly kissed her lips and she pulled his face back to do it again and again.

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