Chapter 1 - Challenged

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DOCTOR Nala, Mitchell stared amongst her two clients, her eyes screaming in silence, an unending debate in her crowded, educated mind.

"Again, I assure you, Doctor, I am completely fine. In fact, I have stated once to many that this is simply a waste of your much-needed time, yet my god-beautiful wife seems to insist on continuing these sessions. Don't you think so?" He questioned with an exasperated sigh. There it was. The killer smile, literally. Habitually, Dr. Mitchell's lips pursed for the umpteenth time in disagreement. Her eyes focused on his hand, it was continuously massaging his woman's thigh. Anything to focus on but his question. Stall-yes, that's what she wanted.

In her mind, she panicked for the millionth time. The questions returned no matter how hard she attempted to prevent them. What does she say? What does she do? Does she disagree with the man that has all the power in the world to make her and her family disappear? No-don't think like that. She's psyching herself out, she knew it. Yet, who has the balls to oppose Luciano Rossi? Don of the majority of Italy's population, Rome. Oh right, her. She has to do it again. How many times will she get before the barrel of his gun she knew that was hidden under his coat, would be at her head?

The woman beside him huffed. That was common. Dr. Mitchell wondered how much breath she lost doing that. A lot. Luciano was a difficult, terrifying man. Teresa pushed his hand off her and leaned forward, capturing her attention. "He's obviously not fine. You see, he's trying to scare you...again. Dr. Mitchell, he seriously needs your help" Luciano groaned and slouched back into the chair. He did that often too.

"Listen," Teresa said, "He never sleeps in his own bed, claiming that it is so lonely and empty without me in it. He spends all day apologizing to me trying to convince me that he's okay, but only trying to convince me even more just makes me think he needs more help. And if he isn't being a father or being a Don, which hasn't been very often, as usual, his entire focus is on me trying to prove that nothing ever happened when it did." She tossed her hands in the air, Dr. Mitchell's eyes following as they dropped to her bare thighs, a sound made. She often fawned over Teresa. The woman was so damn gorgeous. Not to mention she was covered in thousand-dollar clothes. Her face could be worth thousands. Her eyes glazed over her bare thighs again, and her body.

Dr. Mitchell cleared her throat once Teresa began to speak once more.

"Nothing" She huffed, "Nothing is seeming to get through his head the entire time we've done this." She rubbed her forehead, then her hands came up to her face, hiding it there. The stress. Dr. Mitchell hadn't been in their relationship, yet she felt the same. Luciano leaned forward and laid his hand on Teresa's back but she pushed it off. As a therapist counseling them for the year, Dr. Mitchell suddenly wondered, which was terrible to question as a therapist, whose supposed to help couples stay together and not break apart, why does Teresa stay? Of course, hearing their stories, she thinks she pretty much knows the answer for certain, and yet, she questions it still. So her hands folded in her lap and she took a small deep breath, her eyes trained between the two.

After therapy, which seemed to do nothing for Luciano, they drove to his home together. Just like any other day, it wasn't a pleasant ride. "Tesoro, I think you are prolonging the entire situation. It's been a year." He huffed as she ignored him and awaited her door to be opened. Like a good husband, he opened and closed it afterward. Once he was seated opposite of her, the privacy glass slid into place and he knew she was going to speak her piece... Again.

Her arms folded. "Luciano you're not okay! The only reason you're here and not in a crazy home where they would probably bandage you down is because you are a Don. If you weren't, everyone would stop fearing to disagree with you and put you where you belong"

He scoffed, his head shaking in utter disbelief as he said, "You'll never forgive me, will you?" He didn't allow her to answer as he spoke again, " You will never drop this...this ridiculous nonsense" He snarled, the word spit out so harshly and her eyes went wide as saucers.

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