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Grasping his hair, Teresa moaned out a curse as Dante's undiluted tongue paid tribute to her bundle of sensations; her clit.

There was a knock on her door. The knock got louder and louder and so did Teresa as he gripped her thighs preventing her body to run.

"Teresa" Nina called out but she heard Dante's voice whispering to her and as her eyes lowered to his head between her legs, his eyes found hers, staring into her lustful eyes as he is tongue caressed her deeper.

And deeper.

"Teresa!" Nina yelled and her eyes sprang open.

Breathing out, she felt around her body and sighed in relief but also a disappointment as her clothes were still over her. Not an inch of Dante's body touched hers and when she rose from her bed, Dante was already downstairs, opening the door. She heard a squeal and Nina along with Georgia ran upstairs to see she wasn't dressed.

"Uh what the hell?" Nina burst as her eyes ran over Teresa's figure. Teresa breathed out confused. Why were they here?

As she continued to think, flashes of Dante's hands wrapped around her thighs rose. Then reality Dante walked in, standing in the doorway. He noticed Teresa hurriedly looking around, gripping her sheets closer to her body.

He didn't glance at the girls before he kicked them out. Once they were, he closed the door in concern as he stared at her. "Hey what's wrong?" He whispered.
She shook her head breathing deeply as she ran her hand through her hair.

"Nothing. Nothing I..." Her eyes averted from his. "I just had a dream. I'm just—I—" She couldn't find the right words as she stuttered everywhere. Dante scrutinized her though.

Her robe was slightly pulled open at the top as if she was gripping at it, to take it off. Her chest heaved quickly, she was breathing heavily, and her hair tussled over her head but the one thing stood out.

Her face was flushed.

A wet dream then, he deemed.

His lips tugged into a smirk as he walked up to her and chuckled. "Teresa I'm sure you won't have to dream about Luciano any longer if you get out of this bed and get packed"

Teresa didn't know what to say. Furthermore, how to react? It wasn't Luciano, although she knew it should've been Luciano she was dreaming about. It should've been but she couldn't help where her subconscious led her in sleep. Nor could she help not wanting to wake up from the pleasure of his mouth.

Did it feel like that in reality too? She wondered.

No! Those are terrible thoughts.

Still, she couldn't help but remember the heated kiss they shared.

Realizing she was in her head for too long, she settled for a nod and he walked away seeing her door close behind her.

His smirk dropped and instead was replaced with a frown had he known the truth. It wasn't Luciano. If it was, she wouldn't have looked like that. 

Damnit, he cursed himself.

Once packed, dressed, and driven to the jet, Nina and Georgia couldn't keep their eyes or hands off it. It was worse when they were inside. Like two children entering a museum for the first time, they explored everything. Teresa didn't stop them or join in. One, it was hers so they could touch whatever they wanted and two because she's been on the jet so many times that its unique appeal of richness faded.

However, she did laugh at them when they took pictures of it. They loved the wealthy life. The only difference between Georgia and Teresa and Nina? Georgia was repelled by the danger. Nina was magnetic to it, Teresa? She was in the middle. After all, her man was a Don, the center of the danger.

Marked by Crime Rivalry Book2 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now