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LORENZO walked in with wide grins as he caught the eye of Emilio who raised to give him a friendly handshake. They both chuckled as they sat down. "It's been a long time since we've had a sit alone"

Lorenzo nodded in agreement. They were Dons then. So many years ago. Emilio's eyes rose as two men stood outside the door and Lorenzo made no attempt to hide the gun flashing from his holster inside his suit. Didn't even blink when he noticed Emilio staring.

"You understand," He said. Emilio grinned and nodded.

They may have been decent with one another but they were both on opposite ends of the chess board. They were enemies and Lorenzo respected Emilio for respecting that.

"Yes yes of course" He dismissed it with his hand. "After all Atlanta is 10 hours away from home. I just hadn't wanted to be in your son's territory and cause more bloodshed"

"Bloodshed?" Lorenzo arched an eyebrow.

"You haven't watched the news, my friend?"

He shook his head. What has Luciano done now?
"Fortunately I have been handling other matters. Marriage-wise of course" In other words, he and Gemma were going through it because of the war. She didn't want to be involved but he wouldn't leave Luciano in this alone.

"Ahh" Emilio sat back in his chair, languid. "Are you and the lovely Mrs. Rossi still going strong after the bit of infidelity?"

Lorenzo chuckled. It's been so long since their divorce that he realized not many knew of it. He admitted to himself it was a bit strange to still be referred to as her husband. And she, his wife.
"No" He smiled a bit. "We parted ways long ago. Our involvement is specifically for Luciano but we still love each other of course"

That kind of love didn't just go away. Not when their divorce hurt so much. "How about you and your Queen?"

Lorenzo was aware of Santino's mother dying during his reign but he was sure he moved on. Hopefully.
"Still as argumentized as ever" He chuckled.

A small relief filled Lorenzo. Emilio had moved on. Sometimes Lorenzo thought how strong he was for it. If Nora died, he wasn't sure if he could love anyone else again. Not even Gemma.

Emilio brought to Lorenzo's attention of the strip club shooting and what was being said on the news. The public knew as did the authorities. Lorenzo wasn't surprised. Luciano wouldn't stay on his side of the line but that was war.

"I hoped Ricco would've considered that" Emilio huffed. "He would be furious if he knew"

Ricco was a fair man and that's what he loved about Luciano as a leader. They didn't cross lines. However, Santino crossed first with Laura and then came after his Tesoro so Luciano did the same right in his city.

As they were drinking wine and speaking of random things that hadn't pertained to or given information to or about their children's plans, Emilio took a phone call.

As Luciano pulled up beside the street, he saw Emilio through the glass walking outside with the phone to his ear. He took that opportunity to lecture his father with a call.
: Son

"What the fuck are you doing mingling with the enemy father?"

Lorenzo stared at the phone and then turned around knowing somewhere Luciano was there. Or else he wouldn't have been so angry to speak to him in such a disrespectful tone.
: Are you watching me?

Luciano didn't answer which was one all on its own. Instead, he said. "You should go back home, I have this under control.

Those words had a hidden meaning of their own as Lorenzo's eyebrows furrowed.
: You're going to kill him

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