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NALA Mitchell, Luciano's therapist had been sitting in her chair, staring at Luciano for the past fifteen minutes. He came into her office unexpectedly and the first thing he said was "I ended things with Teresa"

She hadn't said a word since. At least not really, every five minutes she would ask if he was but it seemed to be the only words she could conjure up. He would give the same answer though, he doesn't know.

He wondered how is he supposed to feel. Relieved or devastated? Unburdened or more burdened?

She wasn't helping and it began to frustrate him. Huffing, he rose to a stand. "I'm not paying for this" He claimed as he headed for the door. He was stopped by the grip of his arm and a wait from her mouth.

Instantly, his eyebrow rose as he glanced at her hand and she removed it just as fast. "I-i apologize Luciano. I'm just sort of. I mean we've only had three sessions alone together and you broke up with her?"

His head tilted in question. "Is that bad?"

Fuck! He knew he decided too fast.

But Nala cracked a laugh. He was even more confused as she led him back to the sofa. "No" She smiled. "No Luciano that's good. That's... good" She sighed as if she were speaking to herself but he didn't understand why she seemed conflicted.
"Luciano when you came in here for the first time you were so heartbroken about her abandoning you and moving to Brazil and rejecting you that you tried to kill yourself... And now when you realize the truth you had these moments, the breakdown, was, and the denial and now you break up with her. A-And I ask you how you feel about it and... Y-you don't know?"

She rubbed her hands on her skirt. "It doesn't make any sense Luciano. How can you come from attempting suicide to I don't know?"

He stared at her. "Isn't that your job to figure out doctor?"

She smiled, bemused. "No Luciano. I can only diagnose you from your stories and what you say. Maybe you're putting something off?" She questioned.

Luciano rolled his eyes. Seriously?" What doctor, did you expect me to chug another bottle of pills? Well, I did that for the first time. Isn't that why we're having therapy?" She hadn't answered as she stared at him and he figured it must be him causing him to groan.
What is he missing then?

"Dig a little deeper Luciano"  She suggested and she moved closer to him.

Deeper? There is nothing left. Well then, he'll express that emptiness.

"I still have this empty feeling in my body," He says and he bit his lip, Nala watching as he began to think. "I mean it's almost like I'm dead inside. It's dark in my head. I mean normally it's filled with Teresa this and Teresa that. And...now it's silent"

Teresa, she heard. So she wasn't his treasure anymore?

"When I woke up today... I put my arm out because normally Teresa would move and I wouldn't want her away from me so I would tug her back as hard as I can and keep her there as close as possible but..."

Deeper... The word replayed in his head. But what did that mean? Everything was on the surface, and the surface hurt like hell. What would digging more do to him? Was darkness not enough? Was reality not enough?? The reality that "She wasn't there"

A chill ran across his body regardless of the coat he wore. He remembered waking up, Teresa's eyes were the first he would see when he opened his. Every time he stared into those orbs, she relieved the fear that crippled him. Fear that she was gone, but she wasn't, she was right there. Right there in his arms, smiling at him. She made him feel like there was a future, a future of forever together. A future of a man so deep in love lost in it. And never looking for a way out. Teresa was the woman that made him want to love harder and harder until it became a bursting pipe. Until it became the oxygen she breathed, oxygen he breathed.

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