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GROANING, Teresa's feet in her four-inch heels screamed for mercy as she sat down at the table in the café with Georgia. Dante, who returned from settling their shopping bags in the car, walked in with a chuckle as he heard her pain. Georgia complained of her feet beginning to take them off, Teresa raising an eyebrow as if questioning were she seriously going.

Her eyebrows furrowed as he rose an eyebrow. "Uh Trust me, nobody will give a shit. Your the Queen of Rome hello" Instantly, Teresa shushed her, Dante gazing around for any indication that was heard. He gave Teresa the eye and she leaned over the table in a whisper.
"You can't say that out here. There are people everywhere just waiting to get their hands on me"

Georgia apologized, smiling at Dante but his nose wrinkled, clearly an indication he wasn't as easily forgiving as Teresa. Still, the both of them removed their shoes and released breaths of relief as if they'd given birth. Teresa would know.

Dante went to the front to order them a frappe, something he wasn't sure why they wanted so late at night.
Teresa couldn't stop thinking about Nina. It was so sudden and in a rush when she left. Teresa wishes she knew with who.

"I'm worried." She blurted and Georgia faced her. "I mean who did she go with? Did they know who I am? Or you? Or anything for that matter. Is she safe? How long has she been seeing this person and what—"
Georgia stopped her worrying ramble and laid a hand over hers.

"Teresa, she is fine" She smiled.
"How would you know that?" She demanded in a more annoyed tone for the calm assumption. They didn't know if she was being tortured right now or—

Even her thoughts were interrupted by her sister. Her sister who's lips curled into a smirk. Why? "Trust me, she's in great hands"

She bit down on her straw as if she knew something, a secret.

* * * 

"Oh God" Nina moaned out, her fingers dug deeper into Adriano's shoulders as they came together. Smiling, she tightened her grip and pressed the heel of her foot against his ass pulling him closer.


His head leaned down just beside her shoulder to kiss her as his hips rose and her eyes closed with another soft moan that brought along a smirk to his lips. Then a jerk and he was finishing as she quivered underneath.

Nina giggled as she cupped his face and brought his lips down, descending into hers for a brief smooch. Her eyes were lit like a Christmas tree as she thumbed his bottom lip. "I just can't get enough of you can I?" She whispered and he laughed out, her smile augmented as he leaned down to kiss her again.

Rolling off, he trashed the condom and laid beside her for her to curl into his body and kiss his chest before rubbing his peck. His eyes lowered and he knew the action all too well. She was stalling. He sighed and shook his head. "I'm not talking to you about anything if it doesn't include the next time this is happening or something wrong with Teresa"

That was the opposite of what she wanted to hear. Normally he would want to know the problem, but now he seemed not to care for it. If it didn't involve Teresa.

Her eyes closed as she kissed his nipple. Teresa, he says. Nina kissed him again as a distraction to swallow the hard lump of jealousy down her throat.

Adriano grew confused as she rose to straddle him and he reached again for a new Magnum when she slapped his hand away and kissed his neck.
"Nina you know—" He groaned as she bit him and again he reached, but she pinned his wrist down.

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