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THROWING her body into an off-rhythm sway, Teresa hollered out, whooping before the warm liquid of intoxication swam down her throat. Her head tossed back with a giggle, the top-notch music banging into her eardrums, flowing into her hands and hips. The alcohol settled amongst the rest in her belly creating a range of fireworks and sparks igniting and bursting out of her body. 

Her eyes closed and opened repeatedly. Open-she saw the hard flashing of lights. Drifts of people jumping and throwing their bodies into one another.


Close-and her hands rose in her hair, down her dress at the apex of her thighs, careening in every place possible. Her smile and laugh, the way she felt as if floating proved irrepressible. She never wanted it to end.

She felt pairs of palpable hands cup her ass and another's ass grind against her. Nina and Georgia, their giggles were contagious. Nina turned to face her and wrapped her arms around Teresa's neck as they sexily wrapped around one another, groping the other.

"Hey!" Nina yelled in her ear. "Nigel told the guards to... to stop serving us! Assholes right?!" She shouted and yet the music bumped over her voice, fading it.

She leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "I'm... The wife of... Luciano Rossi!" She screamed.
"Hell yeah!" Georgia entered their arms.
"No one... Takes my glasses!" Teresa then hollered out, Nina and Georgia whooping to back her up. So together, holding one another and giggling as they stumbled as if they walked with canes, they attempted to reach the bar.

Teresa may have made it if it wasn't for her arm being snagged, almost making her fall on her face but instead she was tugged into a body. Male body.

Once she looked into his eyes, her hand laid against his chest to steady herself.

She failed and had his hand slid down her lower back. He lowered into her ear yet spoke loudly. "You're a sexy woman princess. Whaddya say we head to my place?"

She laughed out and shook her head repeatedly. "I'm -I'm married! See?!" She rose her hand as if to flex her ring and yet once she looked at her ring finger, it was gone. He chuckled as if she was an adorable thing.

"Well! I'm married to... to the dangerous man of this entire Italy! Yeah! Don Rossi!"

Nodding, his hand slid down and groped her ass harshly. "That's what they all say" He leaned down to kiss her but she pushed him with a holler to let her go.

It happened so quickly, she was removed and he slammed against the bar, a big and tall man standing in front of her. He wore an earpiece and a suit. Oh, bodyguard. She couldn't hear a word they were saying, nor wasn't sure she focused well to listen but she did know Nina and Georgia flanked her with a stumble.

Once the guard turned around, getting rid of the bastard, Teresa was shoved hard in the shoulder hearing, "Baby!" A squeal from her sister. She ran, of course, jumping onto the huge bodyguard man and kissing him sloppily. Of course, he stopped her and settled her to the floor but he hadn't released her body from against his.

"Meet Kane! My man!" Georgia attempted to wink flirtatiously but it was an awkward shut-eye and hand on the hip which made Nina and Teresa laugh out.

"You...date a bodyguard?!" Nina slurred but screamed out.

Once Kane realized they would be shouting, he led them all back to their private booth upstairs and shut the door for better silence. Once he saw Teresa, he held his hand out. "Kane Willis. Personal bodyguard to Nigel. I was assigned to watch over you all"

Teresa noticed Nina sneaking out of the room and her eyes widened seeing Nigel wrap his arm around her waist, leading her away. She hadn't heard a word Kane said but as she turned around she did hear one thing. "I should get you girls home. Where is the other woman?"

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